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What's your most dumb trekkie moment?

I'm yet to do my first one if this post dosen't count, so I'm learning here.

  • This isn't my moment, so I don't know if this counts, but I was involved.

    I used to work for a guy who had the only catalog of contemporary radio theater in the U.S. (I have so many crazy stories). He was, to put it mildly, a person with many problems and a bit of a celebrity fetish which was not helped by the fact that it was a point in the late 90s/Early 00s when audiobooks were getting big and famous people were getting into the idea of doing radio drama.

    So we started carrying Alien Voices radio dramas. They were produced and starring Leonard Nimoy and John DeLancie (amongst others). They're also not very good in my opinion, but that's neither here nor there.

    Anyway, he gets word somehow that Leonard Nimoy is going to be in Chicago and tells me that he and I will be going up there, a 5-hour drive, to meet him. I'm thinking this must be a business meeting or something. So we're driving up there and he keeps building things up more and more, talking about "when we see Leonard" as if they were friends... it even became "Lenny" eventually.

    Finally, we get there... to a mall. And inside the mall is a mall bookstore like they had at the time, maybe a Waldenbooks. And there's a sign up that he's having a book signing. Things are starting to seem weird. So he has us just get in line with all the fans and things are getting weirder.

    Finally, we get up to the table, and my boss introduces himself and says who he works for. Nimoy looks at him with a look that he almost certainly gives to fans when they say things to him and he has no idea what they're talking about and we both shake his hand and leave.

    Then drive another five hours home.

    And that's the day I got paid to drive ten hours round trip to shake Leonard Nimoy's hand.

    Later I got to shake John DeLancie's hand for the same reason, but under circumstances where things had been explained to him. Not much conversation there because he had a bad cold... and then I spent the rest of my time at that convention hoping I wouldn't catch John DeLancie's cold.

    I honestly could write a book about working for that guy with all the crazy stories I have.

    Edit: By the way, this is the very short version of that story.

    • I honestly could write a book about working for that guy with all the crazy stories I have.

      Or make it a podcast and stylize it like an old radio drama

      • That would be some good revenge considering some of the shit I went through, but I'd do it after I know he's dead or he'd probably start calling me at 3 am to bitch at me about it and threaten to send his lawyers that he can't afford because he already used up his trust fund on all kinds of stupid shit including a lawsuit that lasted years and went nowhere and I don't want to deal with that.

  • Oh gosh, I wish I had one. I got my mom to make me a star trek uniform for halloween when I was like 8. She is a brilliant seamstress, so I got a red shirt that matched TNG, and she got me a communicator badge button I still have somewhere. Put that on for school because I think halloween was a Friday that year. I was the only Trekkie at school that year. I'm going to pretend I didn't get teased much. I think we still have that shirt at the bottom of the costume bin even though I'll never fit into it again.