-The Emperor Shrimp (Periclimenes imperator) is a species of shrimp with a wide distribution across the Indo-Pacific
Above, Nudibranch (Dermatobranchus ornatus), with Emperor Shrimp by Brian Mayes
-It lives commensally on a number of hosts (this is a long term symbiosis where one species gains benefits, while the other doesn't benefit, but is otherwise unharmed)
-The shrimps vibrant colours advertise the fact that it is unpalatable and help it camouflage on its host
Above, 'Ceratosoma tenue & Emperor Shrimp' by Allen Lee
Spot the shrimp.....Above, '(Jorunna funebris), actually two of them copulating. And an Emperor Shrimp...is attached!' photo by Ülar Tikk
-They also help by removing parasites and dead tissue from their host
Above, '(Periclimenes imperator) on a Glossodoris cincta Nudibranch' by Scott Rettig
Above, Tambja morosa with Periclimenes imperator by Benjamin Naden
-They live approx 2-3 years, and will often change hosts. Having a host is essential for the shrimps survival
Above photo by Brian Mayes 'I was surprised to see the shrimp change hosts and leave his small companion behind
-The shrimps are protandrous hermaphrodites. They are born with male reproductive organs and can change their sex to become female as they age and mature