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I'm working on a P2P Reddit/Lemmy alternative using Iroh. Any interest? Thoughts? Anyone interested in discussing a Lemmy/Reddit alternative? - Lemmy.World

This is still very much early-days, but I’m thinking about building a distributed link aggregator. Some notes: - no servers (all P2P) except to connect peers - no “instances” so everything is in one namespace (so like reddit /r/community, not lemmy instance/c/community) - everyone is a moderator - m...

The link goes to a related post on another community so I don't have to duplicate it here.

Basically, I'd like to discuss tech options for a Reddit/Lemmy alternative. Here's what I've found:

  • Iroh - early days alternative to IPFS promising improved performance and application control
  • Appleseed - old-ish proposal for a distributed trust system - I'm thinking of using it for moderation (i.e. if you block/report similarly to someone else, that will get automated; you could also explicitly trust someone else [e.g. a CP-detector bot])
  • TrustNet - builds on Appleseed - still reading through the paper to know what it adds over Appleseed, if anything


  • distributed storage - worried the fediverse will scale poorly (become too expensive)
  • distributed moderation - power-hungry mods suck
  • local-first - cache/host stuff you care about, reserve some space for preservation


  • make money - it's a hobby for now, everything would be FOSS
  • image/video hosting - legal issues if you get random CP or something
  • preserve all data - I'd rather sacrifice older/less popular content than lose users - community can run caching servers
  • fediverse compat - P2P makes that difficult, but a bridge should be feasible

Thoughts? What am I missing?

Also, would anyone like me to post updates? It'll mostly be stuff from my research, if I post code, it won't be for a while (I have limited time).