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  • Sorry, I don't watch videos about religions.

    • Veganism is an ethical philosophy about not being a d*ck to animals, not a religion. If it were a religion, why is striving to do the least amount of harm to animals possible a bad thing?

      • Have you not seen what religious people do?

        It's a form of arrogant insanity. Veganism relies on the assumption that it's right, and anyone not on board is wrong.

        That's the flaw of every religion on earth, even the ones that don't necessarily push very hard to make others comply with their beliefs (jains, as an example). There's still that underlying arrogance to it.

        Now, not every individual vegan is a zealot, this is true. But not every cop is racist, not every republican a fascist in waiting, etc.

        But any ism that starts with the principle that it is right "because", with no other arguments possible, is destructive. And veganism is like that, it may not have started that way, but it collects "born agains" the same way other religions do. And they have turned what was possibly just a personal decision to act in a specific way into a movement that attempts to force others into that way.

        Humans gonna human, it isn't unique. But pretending that the movement as a whole isn't the same as any religious movement relying on transmitted authority is just silly.

        I would also argue that veganism is not about not being a dick to animals. That's just the surface claim. Vegans are rarely okay with gentle treatment of livestock, such as keeping chickens or goats, and only using what comes from them. They're even more rarely okay with small scale dairy, where there's cows roaming pastures and getting milked without any maltreatment involved. And don't get into a debate with one about scavenging when livestock like that dies naturally. That really gets them preachy.

        They'll throw out "ethics" this, and "ethics" that, and it all comes back to asking them "who says?", with the answer being that it's just right, and anything else is wrong.

        They have decided that their ethical code is the only acceptable one for everyone.

        That's the bad thing.