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ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 04/03/2024

A lot this week it looks like, might have to make some cuts, let's see..

Minor Threats II The Fastest Way Down #1- I have loved the first series and The Alternates, gonna keep going on this one. I like Patton Oswalt's writing and the art is great.

Geiger #1- I liked the last series on this one too.

Redcoat #1 - Ghost Machine, shared universe with Geiger and Rook

Rook Exodus #1 - Damn man all in the same week? Can we stagger these?!

Sacrificers #7 - New arc, probably most excited about this one this week, or tied with Minor Threats.

Deadpool #1 - I did read all of Deadpool Vs Cable back in the day, maybe I pick this up.