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Donald Trump to go unpunished for his most serious atrocities What about Trump’s real crimes?

Former President Donald Trump was indicted June 8 by the U.S. Department of Justice. The 37 counts stem from his removal of classified documents from the White House after leaving office; the documents were discovered at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. These charges, as well as 34 federal felony c

What about Trump’s real crimes?

For the caging of migrant children — no indictment. For the unqualified support of the [neocolonization] of Palestine — no indictment. For the racist language used against Haiti and countries in the Global South, as well as against China during the height of the COVID-19 crisis — no indictment. For openly mocking people with disabilities — no indictment. For opposing the Equality Act, which would protect the LGBTQ2S+ community from discrimination — no indictment. For his vile woman-hating, misogynistic statements and conduct, including sexual assault — no indictment.

For appointing union-busters like Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb — no indictment. For demanding the execution of the Exonerated Five (formerly known as the Central Park Five), even after their convictions were overturned — no indictment. For publicly aligning himself with the most vile [neo]fascist forces like the Proud Boys — before, during and after Jan. 6, 2021 — no indictment.

For criminal yet legal statements and actions too numerous to list, all targeting the working class and especially the most oppressed — not one single charge!