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[PWInsider] CJ Perry & Miro Separate, Perry Comments /article/181344/miro-cj-perry-split-up-perry-comments.html reported this evening that former WWE and current AEW stars Miro and CJ Perry have split up.

Perry told, "Miro and I have made the difficult decision to separate after many wonderful years together, and have decided to move on as friends, and hopefully onscreen characters somewhere down the road."

The report states that Miro has moved back to Bulgaria. sends our best wishes to all involved.

  • No wonder they both disappeared, it's one of the hardest things being so intertwined with a person and then to realize you are no longer prepared to continue that relationship. I hope her hopes of being friendly and amicable are for both of them.

    Man moved to Bulgaria though, I wish him well.

  • If Miro moved to Bulgaria, does that mean he's leaving American wrestling? Because if true, that sucks.

  • Oof that makes their last bit of time in AEW kinda awkward

  • Oof (x2 lol). Between the cuck storylines, the long distance of different companies, to one working and one at home, to both coming in and trying to start up storylines, to having their house flood, to CJ's hand and arm infection, and now this. I feel for both of em.

    But yeah as Bird and yourself said, moving back to Bulgaria shit..I can't imagine Miro is expecting to stay long-term in AEW, that's nearly a Japan-America level of plane travel.

    Edit: according to some he's been dealing in real estate investments for a while, so between that and his (at least at times) seeming desire to not actually show up and wrestle, I wonder if he's done done since he doesn't need the money anymore?

  • put miro in eurovision cowards