[ADHDinos] Emotional Dysregulation
[ADHDinos] Emotional Dysregulation
Is anyone else also struggling with the font? I find it hard to read
5 1 ReplyNo issues here. Maybe you're being served a dowrezzed version as a preview?
4 0 ReplyNo I've seen this font before and always struggle reading it because it is so uneven. But the OP explained that this is on purpose for dyslexic people so that's why
4 1 Reply
Not personally but the font is called OpenDyslexia. It's designed specifically to help dyslexic folks and apparently works surprisingly well
3 0 ReplyOh, I guess that explains it, as I am not dyslexic
4 1 Reply
It definetly has some weird effect in smaller sizes
1 0 Reply
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