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What's a funny situation you got in that resulted from being trans?

  • So, it's 2019, and I've just arrived back in Australia after a trip to Argentina.

    I'm walking through my local shopping centre, and a guy calls out to ask me if I'm from Argentina. Now I fell in love with the country when I was there, so he's got me curious. Why did he think I was from Argentina?

    I walked over to talk to him and he tried to sell me something, so I got out of there without finding out.

    A couple of days later, in back in the same spot, and this voice calls out to me "Hey, Argentina!". It's the same guy. So this time I just ask him outright why he thinks I'm from Argentina.

    He tells me it's because of the Argentinian flag on my necklace (My necklace was a trans flag).

  • (Phone call with a urology office)

    Office: "Can you put the patient on the phone, is he there?"

    Me: "Oh, I am the patient."

    Them: "I'm sorry, I thought this was about scheduling a vasectomy."

    Me: "It is."

    Them: "....." Me: "....."

    Them: "I would need to speak to the person who would be getting the operation."

    Me: "That's me, I would be."

    Them: "....." Me: "....."

    This went around at least a couple more times. I guess the voice training was paying off? 😅

  • I was at the hospital getting labs done for testosterone. When I walked in, there was a receptionist who recorded my legal name and legal sex. I told him my legal name (a very obviously feminine name. I hate it) and the guy STILL goes ahead and circles male on the form.

    I don't correct him and bring the form to the place where they print out a wristband so the lab technician can identify you. Evidently they must have been confused by looking at my records and the paper, so when I got the wristband it said:

    Sex: Adult

  • one of my most favorite and most euphoric moments was when somebody told me i shouldn’t be smoking while pregnant, i have never been so happy to admit that i don’t have a womb

  • Early in transition, I was grocery shopping with my wife. We used to bulk shop to have food for about 6 weeks, so checkout would take a good chunk of time. My wife preferred to bag the groceries, as it kept her out of small talk. So, I'm standing there talking to the cashier for a good 5 minutes, when she motions to my wife and asks "Are you two sisters?" in a thick eastern European accent. I tell her that we are not, and briefly contemplate having to explain lesbians through a language barrier, but the checkout mercifully ended shortly after.