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“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

―Vladimir Lenin

  • Man I tell yeah the last ten years has been the longest millennium of my life.

  • 53 here. '89 and thereabouts was a wild ride, 90s was peace and prosperity, but the last 6-years or so have been off the chain.

    Let me get my radical coat on...

    The cops should have executed every last motherfucker on the Capitol grounds on 01/06, shot them in the back running away. That day should have been a merciless bloodbath.

    Yeah, I'm mad. Yeah, I got PTSD from that shit. Anyone wanting to argue, call me unreasonable? Did you watch 12-hours, non-stop, that day? Did you see what went down? I can't even look at pictures, let alone videos. Can you? If you can, you're better off than I.

    These foul nut cases tried to overturn our government on the words of a con man. Still not ready to fight?

    That action would have either calmed things or brought them to a head. I'm down for either peace or fighting in the streets. This liberal is armed and practiced and trained. And all you other libs whining about gun control, fuck you cowards.

    You're the same libs whining about the conservatives wanting to exterminate LGBT folks. "Gosh! Whatever shall we do? Wherever shall we go?" Pick up a weapon Scarlett. Learn. Train. Put lead down range, it takes a few thousand rounds to get good enough, and practice until you can actually fight back.

    I'll defend you with all my might, but I'm only one man, my "might" ain't much. This old cis white guy needs allies, if you can believe that.

    Of course fighting may mean your personal extinction. But what kind of future do you foresee for yourself and your mate and your children otherwise?

    PICK. A. SIDE. Or get on the fucking trains.

  • John Lenin was all about imagine all the people unlike his uncle Vladimir...such a shame