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Got the c section scheduled

I'm stoked. Need my wife back man I been burning both ends for so long. Trying not to remember all the horrifying medical problems that can happen

  • I feel this. My wife was mostly on bed rest toward the end of her second pregnancy. We also have a toddler. I was basically taking care of our toddler, our two dogs, and the upkeep/cleaning of our house all on my own. Plus working a full time, very stressful job that pays most of our bills. The stress was real. And I was exhausted.

    Keep your head up. But just know that after a C-section your wife won’t be able to do any heavy lifting, driving, and other things for at least 6 weeks afterward. If you have family or friends that you are able to reach out to, it could be good to do so. I don’t necessarily mean having people hang around your house all day. No one wants that. But maybe people can drop off some hot meals for you? Deliver groceries to you? Simple things that can save you a lot of time.

    At the end of the day, and as much as your wife needs the help, remember to take some time for yourself. I found myself getting unreasonably frustrated at times, and I internalized that a lot. We can’t be good fathers and husbands if we are drowning.

    Keep reaching out here if you need to vent or need advice!