Or a journaling game
Or a journaling game
I want to write a DnD campaign but just play it by myself and DM myself
ofools I have been informed that this is called Writing a Book
I have taken to responding to gm railroad attempts as "are you sure you wouldn't rather be writing a book?"
"As you enter the city you enter the first tavern you see. Seated around the long table you strike up a conversation with an elderly elven man. When you ask where he..."
"Hold on sorry but are you sure you're not interested in writing a book? You just made so many decisions for us."
I think a lot of GMs can honestly answer "yes" to that question, lol, so careful you don't turn the session into a discussion of their latest writing project (along with the writing projects of anyone else in the group who feels like talking about writing).
...unless that's your jam, in which case, go for it!
Love this classic.
I mean, you wouldn't need to edit it at the end, and probably no one else would be reading it, so you could keep your standards low. Probably easier than writing a book, though possibly not as much fun.