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Kick tankies out of 196

Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.


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  • If you use a word in a wrong way then you shouldn't be surprised if people call you out on it.

    And, no, I won't excuse Israel here there's fucking Kahanites in the current government, Rabin's killer is a Kahanite, they're not a single bit less fascist than Hamas or Nazis, just the coat of paint differs.

    ...and maybe, just maybe, if you're out here on the internet with the explicit mission of doing activism you should have an understanding about the broader political context of things, the alternative is to be an instrument for whoever gets to you first. This is basic shit. In a sense Zionism dates back to about 500BC when Persians conquered the area from the Babylonians which had conquered the Jewish kingdoms and ethnically cleansed them.

    The return to Israel was back then tied up with a prophecy of world peace (see swords to ploughs), but the diaspora continued to exist and there's in fact anti-Zionist Jews who think that the whole project is heresy as it's trying to force a prophecy. Zionists of course disagree (or simply don't see it in religious terms), but long story short yes there's plenty of people who want a Jewish state, with full rights for all non-Jews living there, democratic, liberal, peaceful, lefty, all the things. Rabin was one of them. Herzl wasn't that much different. You should be supporting those people, try to convince Israelis to give that approach another chance, not lump them up with genocidal maniacs. Same of course goes for the Palestinian side (in case you plan on defending Hamas).

    tl;dr: Fascism bad.