The day Trump dies will be a very interesting time for his supporters. I could see it going either two ways. One would be them denying it and treating it like when Elvis died people reported seeing him in public and the other possibility is them going full Jamestown.
I don't think the administration will publicly admit his death. They'll just deepfake him and claim he can't make any appearances outside of video communication for national security reasons.
I could definitely see that happening and Trump end up in a wheelchair like Stephen Hawking having to use a robot voice to speak or even better we end up with a weekend at Bernie’s situation.
There's little chance a person of trump's advanced age would be able to work out how to use a speech synthesiser like that, and given that trump can't read, zero chance that he could do it.
This is why I was hoping for an electoral defeat instead of a successful assassination.
It's not the act that concerned me, it was the wild chains of disparate psychopathy that ensued from his followers. No better way to make a martyr than kill whatever they're preaching about.
This shocking outcome has been a lesson and loss for his followers, but they are no longer emboldened by his bullshit.
They will recreate some qanon underground “leader” that’ll generate a movement with bs hidden messages that he is alive and living in a safe area. And just like a good cult leader pretending to be Trump, will tell his cult followers what to do, on some 4chan forum. With followers not knowing it’s some idiot fed agent working for CIA.
They'll change the legislation for non Americans to gain proper citizenship. Musk will then assume the mantel of leader when Trump dies. Trump will be like after Pope John Paul II or even a martyr. They'll be mass Christian Nationalist uprising as other in that group would want someone else to supplant him. That's the new out group after everyone else is taken care of