Earworm - the experience of a song stuck in the brain. I find myself getting earworms so often haha. My latest one is this song, I Want To Be In Fabric by Todd Edwards, particularly the part starting at 2:28. Gives me massive Freezepop vibes omg!
What are some songs that have been stuck in your head lately that you'd like to share? 😃
ABBA's "Fernando" pops up in my head randomly all the time. Styx's "Half-Penny, Two-Penny" has a phrase that leaps to mind quite often when reading news. "Justice for money, what can you say? We all know it's the American Way." and also "Justice for money, how much more can I pay? We all know it's the American Way." And when that leaps to mind the rest of the song follows. Forever (or so it seems)...