MILWAUKEE—Growing more despondent as each turn brought them no closer to a conclusion, an exhausted group of friends was reportedly coming to the realization Friday that they had been playing the board game Wingspan incorrectly for the past six hours. “Wait, were we supposed to have set up these goa...
Though this is satire, we've all had that experience where we played a game (many times, even!) and only found out later that we got the rules massively wrong. Share your experience!
Way back in prehistory I played Car Wars when it first came out. (You know, before it became an unwieldy, badly-organized mess that rivalled even Star Fleet Battles for being impossible for normal folk to play.)
We missed one very key rule. The "damage" rating for weapons was a number of d6 to roll for damage. We played it as individual points.
Needless to say even the shortest auto duels were horrifically and painfully long to play out.