I don't like to simp for big companies, but I used to always buy the cheapest dish soap and now...
That dawn spray foam is the tits. So little of it does so much
The foam spray gives me like a fuzzy lung feeling when I breathe after spraying. I told my brother as well as my wife about it and both assholes asked if I was huffing it.
I’m calling it now, I’m going to be the dawn foam mesothelioma poster child
The Environmental Worker’s Group gives regular Dawn an A-B rating (depending on scent) and a C rating for the foaming stuff, so it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re right. Probably not a huge issue with home use, but if you’re a dishwasher for a decade using it, who knows.
I work in a kitchen and rarely we run out of soap. If they bring anything besides dawn back they're sent out to try again. Dawn is the only thing that works
I have issues with fragrances, mainly artificial fragrances. Dawn irritates my nose, makes my lips turn red around the edges, and makes me salivate. When I stay somewhere or have roommates I bring fragrance free detergent (there is even fragrance free dawn...) and ask people to use that. I was talking to someone one time and mentioned that it makes no sense why we would need aromatherapy while doing dishes or want our dishes to have a fragrance and they haughtily told me "WELL I like SAVING WATER" as if that was somehow a normal reply.
It does the same to me, but to a much lesser degree. I use cheap crap from a restaurant supply that has a lemon scent, and no issues at all. Idk what's in it, but that soap is evil.
It's not simping to help others out with solid product suggestions. I'll try Dawn next time. Wife buys the cheap watery shit, can't convince her she's saving money by purchasing water.
My big one is Arm & Hammer stuff: antiperspirant, toothpaste and laundry soap. No gagging perfumy smells, toothpaste is neutral tasting, all of it cleans. And they're not even a premium brand.
I've done a few consumer panels before in regards to shampoo and soaps, my most common comment is "I like that it smells like I've clean myself in the shower, then goes away".
I want to be olfactorally invisible. Just literally no smell at all, not human, not floral.