A trio of cardiologists, two at Tampa General Hospital and the third at the University of Texas' MD Anderson Cancer Center, have reported an incident of an adult man developing yellowish nodules on his hands, feet and elbows after adopting a carnivore diet.
Edit: I confused dezi with centi, so you need to multiply the density for blood with 10. So cholesterol levels were above 1% instead of above 10%, which makes much more sense.
Original post:
Normal human blood has a density of around 10 g/dL (like water, which is the biggest part), so a cholesterol level above 1000 mg/dL (=1 g/dL) means more than 10% of the blood was cholesterol.
That is for sure not healthy when a value above 240 mg/dL already is in the dangerous category.
Apparently partly because his body was secreting the cholesterol over his skin in the form of yellow stuff =D
But yeah, I have no idea how that guy was still able to walk. Maybe because it was so quickly happening that his heart hadn't yet withered due to the increased blood pressure?
As far as I have read LDL by itself doesn't block arteries. Arterial plaque, or calcification attracts LDL to help repair it - in a healthy individual LDL does many things, and repair is one of them -, but for people with advanced cardio vascular disease the "emergency equipment" might end up blocking the entire roadway.
water's density is 100g/dl, not 10, so, not quite as severe as you said. the article said that the patient's cholesterol levels were roughly four times normal.