Bees, I'm with you. Bee keeping is not inhumane to the bees. It is worth mentioning that kept bees are usually not the same native pollinator species, but there's nothing horrific about harvesting honey.
Factory egg farming is a horror show, especially in the USA. I agree that domesticated chickens shouldn't be set free to repopulate the grasslands, but neither should they be tortured for their eggs. Most people picture a red bard and an old lady in a sunhat collecting eggs from a straw bed where her chicken lays.
Here's a video tour of what it actually looks like.
This was produced by the farm to show how humanely they produce their eggs, and that's as good as they can possibly make it look. Notice the "cage free" chicken environment, where even the vet they hired and the owner narrating mention the bird-on-bird violence that is worse among the cage-free birds.
I'm not even going to link the videos they don't want you to watch.
I don't think you'll have many people disagree that cramped and caged egg farms are cruel
Backyard chickens have a pretty good life
Paddock raised chickens (where they are assessed by the animal protection agency) have a pretty good life (but they don't get the insects and mice the backyard chooks get)
So how can you say eggs are bad based on some eggs being bad? Some bees are badly treated too, you know.
Because there are over 300 hens laying over 90 billion eggs each year, and the number of ethically raised hens or the number of eggs they produce isn't within three decimal places of the numbers rounded off of those figures. I know several people that raise their own chickens for eggs, and I would imagine most people doing it are animal lovers like them. But that's never going to replace the eggs at the grocery store.
Honey production is also largely factory farmed, but humane treatment of bees doesn't require the same amount of space or cost to produce honey. I'm sure there are examples of honey bees being abused, but the egg industry is built on and designed around making animal abuse palatable.
So all eggs are bad because the majority of eggs are bad. I guess logic is overrated. I guess that means that all water is salty because most water is ocean water.
No, I feel like I was fairly clear about this. Statistically, all grocery store eggs are farmed using inhumane treatment of birds. That doesn't make the eggs bad. Some people don't think animal cruelty is bad at all. I'm not here to tell you how to be a good person.
People raising chickens in their backyard also aren't distributing their eggs to supermarkets. If you were an alien trying to squeegie water from the surface of the Earth like you're zesting a lemon, then yes you should expect to get saltwater.
Factory egg farming is a horror show, especially in the USA.
I don't know about USA. I have seen free range chicken farms in Europe and there was nothing "horror" about them - but than animal welfare standards are much higher in Europe than in the US in general.
Sounds like a good source of tasty eggs to me. In fact I may have some fried eggs with bacon this morning - would you like to share your thoughts about pig farming as well?