This is why I've decided it's time to sell most of my Olight collection.
More pictures in comments.
This picture is Olight S1R Baton II (left) vs Rovyvon A23 (right). The Rovyvon uses a Nichia 219C emitter in cool white (about 5700K iirc).)
It's the same complaint you hear time and time again, emitters with awful tint and CRI. When I was still new all I cared about was Olight, so I've amassed a pretty significant collection. It was only when I first tried a Hank light with Nichia 519A emitters that I finally understood why tint and CRI matters.
Also, now that I've learned the Anduril 2 UI every other light just feels limiting.
Probably because your brain subconsciously does color correction (similar to optical illusions) that you don’t notice until you have a direct comparison.
Seeing as a new one goes on Amazon for $50 where I am, I'd sell it for $35. Has all the accessories in the box, but it does have some light wear. Here are some pictures for more detail.
It didn't matter to me until I got a couple lights with really good tint. Still, I do believe Olight has the best build quality for their price and their support team is awesome, they've helped me out when a light was faulty.