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Every company should be owned by its employees Every company should be owned by its employees

Central States Manufacturing as a model for employee-ownership.

Every company should be owned by its employees

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  • Or... What if we just stopped working?

    • Haven't watched the video yet, will do somlatwr, but if no one worked, we would over amshort time literally return to the stone age.

      Who would make for for all? Would we have to scour for our own food again, each on their own? There is a reason we do farming, it is MUCH more efficient. A hand full people can make grain, beef, flour, and bread for hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It liberates all those other people to work on other things and make society grow.

      If we all do our own food then in no time growth will stagnate, loads of people will fail to make their own food and decide to get it from others, and since there is no police anymore either (they're busy making and finding their own food) there is no protection either.

      We would to have time to keep up infrastructure. More fertilizer would mean that there wouldn't be enough food produced for everyone, the world would go back to about 2-3billion humans. In on itself not a bad thing, there are too many humans, but 5-6 billion humans starving to death sucks.

      No more modern medicine, no ody is working anymore, remember? Sucks to be a diabetic, bye bye. If you're trans, you're outta luck, you got bigger fish to fry.

      We CAN'T stop working, we'd die out. If that video means something else, then the title is wrong.

      What we can do is redistribute wealth. Nobody should need to work two jobs and still not be able to meet rent, that is absurd.

    • This is the Centerpoint strategy for maintaining the Houston electric grid