Such an inhuman and cruel position to take. I'm sure it's worth it to you though for some random ideal you're just sure will happen if the US collapses. Screw all those people who will suffer and die, right? Because if you are born in the US, that makes you inherently deserving of suffering?
Yeah, because the US Empire that exists right now doesmt bring any suffering! Gazans are so happy right now. Imagine the joy and non suffering that mr Bush gave to all the people in the middle east. When you droped napalm on people, it was not evil napalm of course. And can you even grasp the happines in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Did all those ppl deserve the happines they got?
Yes it 100% makes sense to direct violent hatred toward more innocent people! And you are absolutely not the most morally despicable human I've ever conversed with.
The idea you just expressed is literally morally the same as what drove Hitler and you're disgusting.
The most juvenile sort of critique is to blatantly cast your own faults upon your target. When people say that Trump would destroy the US they mean he and his followers have promised to end democracy, put down any dissent with the military and round up tens of millions of your neighbors and put them in camps. They are speaking plainly.
What does it mean to say that Biden/Harris/Obama are "destroying" the country. Do you mean there are too many brown people working at the meat packing plant? Do you mean the imaginary crime wave which isn't borne out by stats? Do you mean the fact that gay folks are opening talking about loving one another and getting married.
Where does this destroyer come from and what is his aim and methods?
They're an .ml user. They're an accelerationist. They aren't saying destroying America is a negative. They're saying it's a positive. I don't know how they suspect Harris to be the harbinger of doom, but they're opinion isn't really considered at all, so there's no sense in wasting time trying to figure it out.