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Pardon me for not finding “vulnerable people need to die for my ideology” very convincing.


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  • I vote, but I can't really pretend that it accomplishes much.

    We hand Democrats a majority and all they do with it is find a way to spend another half trillion on war that wasn't budgeted. When I point out that perhaps it'd be good if we didn't neglect our own people's needs, people call me a traitor or a Russian shill. (Neither of which are true.)

    And for those trumpeting the AZ decision here, go look at Idaho, where abortion was criminalized and they got away with it. In a year 2/3 of the states will have similar laws just like in 2/3 of the states it's still legal to pay someone $7 an hour.

    That is what people are talking about when they say voting doesn't matter, because if you're poor or working class, there is no effective difference between the two ruling parties.

    • If only there was a meme that specifically debunked this argument.

      I actually agree with you about the behavior of electing "Democrats" in the abstract; the Hillary Clintons and Nancy Pelosis of the party have been selling out the working class for enough decades in a row now that it's easy to become disillusioned. But Biden's record is actually pretty far above the norm for Democrats. And, in this specific election, trying to apply this logic is like trying to fistfight the firefighters who are trying to put your house out, because you heard they misappropriated some of their funding last year.

    • I'm completely mystified by how you can look at an example where a 280 vote margin led to an attorney general who refuses to prosecute people in her state over a tyrannical law, and then go: "no, but see - voting doesn't matter!"

      I mean, there's ignorance, and then there's willful stupidity.

      • It's easy.

        Go look at what happened with Idaho. It's a really, really bad example.

        • I'm honestly not sure what you're getting at with this statement. Idaho has a Republican governor, a Republican Lt. governor, a Republican secretary of state, 2 Republican senators, 100% of the US Representatives for Idaho are Republicans, and 80% of the state senators are Republican.

          Is there something I'm missing here? Can you explain why Idaho is in any way something other than a perfect example of why voting very much matters? As far as I can tell, voters in Idaho seem to overwhelmingly favor Republicans, and so they get Republican policies.

    • And how does Idaho vote exactly? Is it different than OR, WA, CO, CA? Do you think the way these states vote might have something to do with it? You're disproving your own point.