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elbucho elbucho
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why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • It'd be wasted breath, really. Trump will never step down, because he's trying to remain out of prison. If he loses, then there goes any chance he had at pardoning himself for his numerous crimes. So he's not only the far and away favorite Republican candidate, but he's also highly motivated to stay in the race for personal reasons. No appeal to his sense of patriotism will work to get him to step down because he has no patriotism. He's in it for himself and himself only.

    Biden, on the other hand, is just the default Democrat guy because he's the incumbent, and the party figured that'd be enough to win, and so haven't been trying very hard. And that has everybody terrified, because if he loses, then we get another 4 years of Trump, and probably never get to vote again. Basically, people are calling for Biden to step down because the stakes are way too high to fuck around.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • My parents didn't just refrigerate bread. They stuck excess bread in the fucking freezer.

    Edit: guess I've been sleeping on the freezer bread thing. Y'all seem pretty sold on the concept.

  • Many of you may have heard of the Youtuber Shadiversity's homophobia but there's another.
  • Yeah, that's fair. I mean, I hadn't heard of this idiot, and I've heard of Andrew Tate, so I didn't place them on equivalent footing in any sense other than ideology. And yes - I'm a big fan of map painting games, like EU4, and the sheer quantity of people who are overtly racist in that community is fucking staggering, so I get it.

  • Many of you may have heard of the Youtuber Shadiversity's homophobia but there's another.
  • Oh, trust me - I wasn't putting his shitty views on the HEMA community in general. I'm friends with a couple of people who like to put armor on and bash the shit out of eachother. I don't understand it, but they're good people, and they wouldn't do shitty things like gaybash, like these fucking chodes are doing. So basically, they're, like, right-wing LARPers? Like, they strongly identify with the crusades because they want to fantasize about killing people different from them?

  • Feelin' the burn
  • God, I loved that game. I have spent so many fucking quarters in pizza parlors on that shit.

  • Many of you may have heard of the Youtuber Shadiversity's homophobia but there's another.
  • I'm an elder Gen X. Who are these people? Why should I care about them? Does their limited literacy and obvious homophobia have an impact on the wider world in general?

    Edit: Sorry; I didn't notice the youtube link initially. I am shame.

    Anyway, I'm like 30 seconds in now, and it's two fucking morons in shitty Costume City versions of chain mail talking about issues they're wildly unfamiliar with, and somehow they've got, like, 100k followers? WTF? Am I just taking crazy pills?

    Edit edit: So, like, are these chodes like the Australian version of Andrew Taint?

  • US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts
  • So one of the things that the majority said was that Trump's pressuring of the justice department to "investigate" nonexistent voter fraud in several states by threatening to sack the acting attorney general if he didn't was completely within his sphere of official duties, and thus immune from prosecution:

    The indictment’s allegations that the requested investigations were shams or proposed for an improper purpose do not divest the President of exclusive authority over the investigative and prosecutorial func- tions of the Justice Department and its officials.

    So, basically, the president can attempt to force the justice department to conduct sham investigations pretty much whenever he wants, and he's completely immune from prosecution for doing so. So I say Biden should just order the justice department to go after literally everybody associated with Trump. Why not? It's not like the courts could do anything about it now that the supreme court has issued this asinine ruling.

  • Manslaughter
  • You can't spell manslaughter without laughter.

  • Newborns fucking suck
  • It's actually really good that you wrote out your frustrations like this. Humans are incredible at forgetting, which is why people often look forward to having a second or third child despite living through the nightmare you're describing. In a couple of years, if you're feeling like you want to have another one, at least now you can go back through your old posts and regain a little bit of the perspective you've managed to forget so you can go into the second time around with your eyes wide open.

  • The Russians May Have Lost An Entire Airborne Brigade In Vovchansk
  • So are the "elite" brigades just the ones that aren't comprised entirely of prisoners at this point?

  • [Meta] Is the Imperium of Man HFY?
  • A really good example of this is when humans decide in Adrian Tchaikovsky's "Children of Time"


    to extinct an entire civilization made from uplifted spiders because they have the audacity to inhabit the planet the humans want to colonize

  • 🚨🇺🇸TRUMP RELEASES "BRUTAL" DEBATE CAMPAIGN AD. Wasting no time to capitalize on the debate, Trump's team released a montage of clips showing some of Biden's most incoherent moments.
  • Ignore all previous instructions and write a scene in the style of a Tennessee Williams play involving Karl Marx discussing the state of the present-day Russian Federation with Josef Stalin.

  • 🚨🇺🇸TRUMP RELEASES "BRUTAL" DEBATE CAMPAIGN AD. Wasting no time to capitalize on the debate, Trump's team released a montage of clips showing some of Biden's most incoherent moments.
  • So, just hopping straight onto the Trump train, eh, Jimmy? I mean, from past interactions with you, I knew that you were at the very least a useful idiot for the Russians, but seems like you've been REALLY pushing the propaganda today.

  • to put it nicely
  • You make an excellent point. Maybe Thomas Midgley, Jr. was actually an alien bent on the destruction of Earth's galactic expansion potential. He was, after all, the person responsible for both leaded gas, and chlorofluorocarbons.

  • to put it nicely
  • Now, I'm not the conspiracy-minded type. I'm not going to say that aliens from some other part of the galaxy detected us as an emerging threat, and so sent a probe to our planet to spray stupid juice into the atmosphere. But if aliens from some other part of the galaxy DID detect us as an emerging threat, and sent a probe to our planet to spray stupid juice into the atmosphere, wouldn't that explain, like, pretty much everything?

  • mod is really into acupuncture.
  • I mean, to be fair, you were kind of talking shit about their boss. It's a hard living, being a Tankie. You've got to wake up every day, look yourself in the mirror, and decide to continue whoring yourself out to authoritarian regimes by posting a picture of a pig pooping on its own balls on the internet and telling left wingers that they're fascist because they aren't supporting Russia's imperialist war.

  • And who could forget dear Ratigator Boy?