All because I have to work with win10 workstations and using a different, superior shortcut scheme would mess up my muscle memory. Remembering to use shutdown -s -f -t 0 instead of poweroff is difficult enough, and don't even get me started with the audacity to use curl as an alias for Invoke-WebRequest!
I have to confess. I had to look up the shortcut for terminal because I haven't interacted with a Linux desktop in years. I'm a Windows cuck, but not a total imposter bc I've kept a debian server running on my network for years. Whenever something breaks or I do an update (the updates are invariably the cause of the breakage) I manage her with ssh.
At the time I decided on it, I used Sakura as a terminal emulator, plus it's on the home row. I use a different term emulator now, but the muscle memory remains.