You think the USSR, DPRK, and so on are any different? What definition of communism are you using, my dude?
I'd we'd like to talk about genocides in countries that don't say they're communist? There's the Holocaust, ^Armenia, ^^Rwanda, ^^^Bangladesh, ^^^^Romania, ^^^^^Greece, ^^^^^^Assyria, ^^^^^^^Serbia/Croatia, ^^^^^^^^Chechnya
A form of government where the leader is chosen by popularity rather than ability to run a country.
"I've said it before and I'll say it again; democracy simply doesn't work."
-Kent Brockman by IKEM (?) on urban dictionary
Taken from the Greek 'demos' and 'kratos' ('people' and 'power' respectively), it refers to the system of government in which the entire population effectively rules through a concentrated body which relies on the population's opinion as a source for its policies.
The French Revolution was sparked by ideals of liberty and democracy for all. by ryanM on urban
I'm aware of the definition of democracy. I wasn't aware of the meaning of 56 Chinas - we know fascist types love numerically coded language - 14 words, 18/50, 88, 18, and so on.
Looking at the meaning, 56 Chinas sounds concerningly close to ethno-state advocacy, but I figure that's not the intent.
It's pretty clear that having a strategic partner in that part of the world is a net positive for western counties. Also Taiwan supplies a huge fraction of our computer chips.
That they managed to utterly dominate the chipmaking market and use that as a leverage to make allies was a real master move. The pandemic and the whole supply chain troubles giving a wake up call that "all eggs in one basket" is bad sure got them worried, tho.