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Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023

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  • I'm going to be making a German meatloaf called hackbraten. Pretty straightforward until you get to the part about the GHERKIN. The idea about squishing meat inbetween my fingers does not appeal but eating meatloaf does. Ah the things we do for love.


    • Description goes into [], link goes into (), like this:


    • If it's a German dish, perhaps try to source gherkins made in Germany or Poland. They're quite different to other counterparts. Oh and don't fall for the 'Polish style' or 'German style' ones made in India or Turkey. They're good. Just not as good as the original versions.

      • I just checked the jar and i did fall for the imposters God damn it. Deceiving fuckers. I have noted this and will strive for more excellence in the future.

        • Oh they're sneaky for sure. Next time you'll be armed with knowledge.

          • They tricked me. I dont't speak polish but I'm pretty sure this does not say Made in India


            • Those dastardly scoundrels!!!

              I've fallen for this exact thing before. A polish friend of mine said that's actually not grammatically correct for some reason. I'll find out what to look for (apart from the country of origin)

    • I don't know why my link is not working. Anyway trust me it's gonna taste good.

    • Fingers are the best tool for the job imo. Just follow the 2 Fat Ladies' advice and make sure said fingers are scrupulously clean (and remove rings). I also like their idea of making a union jack with bacon strips in the pan, and then folding each strip over the loaf to keep it moist inside and crispy outside. No need to baste then, and this bacon wrapping is in your recipie too.