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Thornburywitch Thornburywitch
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Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
  • Came across a short on youtube of a customer asking a baker for grass-fed salmon on her bagel. Wtf?

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
  • Let her. Just don't get involved yourself. This gives you "I told you so" rights when she comes home exhaustipated and emotionally vulnerable. However, you may not wish to exercise those rights in the interests of family harmony.

    Best if she discovers for herself that you can only help those who want to be helped. Let this one slide past without getting yourself involved I think. Just have some comfort for her ready when she gets back. Maybe cook dinner and do all the kid things while she's busy elsewhere.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
  • Lamb chops and lollipops please - with coffee, lots of coffee.

    Also, when is the food truck enterprise starting up? Do we know yet which locations?

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • Do that. Not spam if nice photos. Maybe spiced ham?

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • Fog or low cloud has rolled in over Richmond. Outside air temp has gone from f**king cold to biting cold. Hands are burning after going out to buy a coffee. Wasn't like that when I got to work this morning at 9 am.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • In the short term, a graphite lubricant like for locks will help a lot. Cheaper than a new bed. I would not use WD40 due to smell and greasy residue.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • Thank you. The cats shared the leftover cream and licked the porridge bowl clean. Win/win.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • Porridge with honey and cream with coffee please. If available, could I also have a small army of cats to settle on me and keep me warm too.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ☃️ Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • Wait until summer .... grins evilly

  • Live: What are your legal rights when it comes to bad neighbours?

    Submit your questions about neighbourly disputes to our legal experts and learn more about your rights.

    Live: What are your legal rights when it comes to bad neighbours?

    This thread is ongoing as of time of posting - some FASCINATING situations unfolding.

    Daily Discussion Thread: ☃️ Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • Note to self : remove cats from slippers first.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ☃️ Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • It's cold comfort, but thank you.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ☃️ Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • Cold chicken, ice cream, iced coffee and some chilly sauce please.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚵 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • Doesn't have to be geotextile - an old towel or a sheet folded double will do perfectly well to protect them. Sheets are lighter and don't squash the plants as much as towels.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚵 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • I assume you've come across this - melbourne waterways Some useful references contained therein.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚵 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • Wait until you get a rose thorn stabbing, and end up going to the doc for a penicillin injection. Which they administer with a sharpened hose pipe into your gluteus maximus. Rose thorns do gangrene really really well apparently. Learned my lesson from that experience and now wear gloves when I'm anywhere near roses. Never knew that lemons were particularly hazardous - thanks for the info!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚵 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • Operative phrase there is 'american media'.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚵 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • Mattress is OK, thank the gods. Just sheets, pjs and me and this is all easy to fix. Time for a new hwb I guess.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚵 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • Hot water bottle just woke me up cos sprang a leak. Only by now it's a slightly warm water bottle which is a relief. And it's only on its third year of use. Damn. TGF mattress protector. Would not be fun drying a mattress this time of year.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🐻 Monday, July 01, 2024
  • Does seem that they're setting themselves up to fail - and each to have enough material to put the blame on the other. Shit show coming up, so I would suggest distancing yourself - you have enough to cope with with your own responsibilities. They need professional help (and sounds like both need a good kick up the backside too).

    There's a reason why airlines stress that you should put on your own oxygen mask BEFORE putting them on your kids.

  • Do your neighbour's security cameras make you uncomfortable? Here's what you can do

    Many Australians can now access surveillance tech, but this can lead to disputes between neighbours. Here's a breakdown of some of the legal issues that can crop up.

    Do your neighbour's security cameras make you uncomfortable? Here's what you can do

    This is getting more and more relevant all the time.


    It's a Draw

    Two draws so far this season. Yes, I think we need a song for that. Abc justin news comes good again.

    0 Mulch believed to be contaminated with asbestos found at a Melbourne playground

    The Environment Protection Authority said it is in contact with a council in Melbourne’s west after mulch believed to be contaminated with asbestos was found at a playground.

    Mulch believed to be contaminated with asbestos found at a Melbourne playground

    Looks like it's not just Sydney that has a problem with lazy disposal of building rubble. Only buy from reputable suppliers peeps.

    5 Thousands of people pass through this station each day, but experts say it has some of the worst air in Melbourne

    Melbourne's Southern Cross Station is a gateway for commuters and visitors to the city, but experts say secret data shows the air quality poses a health risk to workers and passengers.

    Thousands of people pass through this station each day, but experts say it has some of the worst air in Melbourne

    Not news. Not if you use this station. Published in the very early morning, not prime time. Something has to be done about this.

    4 How an unlikely radio program by a group of mates changed football forever

    From skewering the football industry to finding themselves oddly ensconced within it, the Coodabeen Champions bow out of broadcasting with a remarkable and unlikely legacy.

    How an unlikely radio program by a group of mates changed football forever

    Waaaaaaaahhhh! No more footy songs! No-one will ever beat beat the 6.15 from Hurstbridge for peak Melbourne.

    1 Thousands of car parks lost as passenger pick-up zones change at Melbourne Airport

    Easter travellers are being warned to plan ahead as new passenger drop-off and pick-up arrangements introduced for new Melbourne Airport's entry road.

    Thousands of car parks lost as passenger pick-up zones change at Melbourne Airport

    PSA for those about to travel

    0 Leaked emails show secret negotiations behind the higher supermarket prices you're paying

    Leaked emails reveal for the first time the tactics Coles employs when a supplier seeks a price increase and how it has taken advantage of inflation to boost profits.

    Leaked emails show secret negotiations behind the higher supermarket prices you're paying

    Who knew? (Yes, I'm being ironic)


    Daily Discussion Thread: Wednesday the Seventh Day of February 2024 🔮

    And on the Seventh day God rested - and I think we should keep the tradition going.

    77 Numbats in the wild doing better than expected despite prescribed burn with dire consequences

    There was once thought to be fewer than 1,000 numbats left in the wild, but a new study in southern Western Australia suggests that number is far greater.

    Numbats in the wild doing better than expected despite prescribed burn with dire consequences

    Looks like our Nellie and friends are doing better than expected.

    2 $600k worth of drugs, 74 boxes of Lego seized in Victorian raids

    A Latrobe Valley man is facing ten charges and has had his Lego toy collection confiscated after police seized a commercial quantity of illegal drugs.

    $600k worth of drugs, 74 boxes of Lego seized in Victorian raids

    Dealing drugs to, to - fuel a Lego habit? WTF?


    New dish - salmon stuffed hash browns

    cross-posted from:

    > Just came back from brunch with a friend - she'd cooked a very nice variation on hashbrowns. > Thinnish layer of mashed spud in a lined lamington tray, layer of smoked salmon, another layer of mashed spud. Then chilled, cut in sections, breaded and fried. > End result was a hash brown with a distinct layer of fish in the middle. She served these with a poached egg on top and a side of avocado salsa. > Very nice indeed and a good brunch dish. >


    New dish - salmon stuffed hash browns

    Just came back from brunch with a friend - she'd cooked a very nice variation on hashbrowns. Thinnish layer of mashed spud in a lined lamington tray, layer of smoked salmon, another layer of mashed spud. Then chilled, cut in sections, breaded and fried. End result was a hash brown with a distinct layer of fish in the middle. She served these with a poached egg on top and a side of avocado salsa. Very nice indeed and a good brunch dish.


    Hot days could be too much for Australia's cutest anteater Numbats must eat 20,000 termites a day, but warmer days might make that impossible

    New research shows numbats are overheating in high summer temperatures, and scientists suggest climate change could make things worse.

    Numbats must eat 20,000 termites a day, but warmer days might make that impossible

    Oh no!


    Necessary Knowledge Looking to lock in some blocks of time off in 2024 using the least amount of leave? Here's how

    With just a couple of well-timed hacks, here's how you can maximise your time off in 2024.

    Looking to lock in some blocks of time off in 2024 using the least amount of leave? Here's how

    We all need to know this.

    0 Melbourne icon Franco Cozzo dies aged 88

    The Italian-Australian furniture salesman is best known for his unique television adverts in the 80s.

    Melbourne icon Franco Cozzo dies aged 88

    We shall not look upon his like again - even on late night tv.
