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Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war

Rockets have been fired from Gaza "across southern and central Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and the infiltration of Hamas militants."

Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war

Over 100 Israelis have died and more than 900 were injured after rockets were fired from Gaza by Hamas militants, Israeli officials said Saturday.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said 198 were killed in Gaza and at least 1,610 were injured Saturday in retaliatory attacks from Israel.

"We are at war. We will win," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday.

The Israeli Defense Forces earlier declared "a state of alert for war," according to a statement issued by the IDF.

"Over the past hour, the Hamas terrorist organization launched massive barrages of rockets from Gaza into Israel, and its terrorist operatives have infiltrated into Israel in a number of different locations in the south," the IDF said early Saturday.


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  • This is awful, and there are no good sides to it. Hamas are terrorists, and the Israeli government's actions have made this kind of thing inevitable.

    A lot of innocent people on both sides will die, nothing will get resolved, and both sides will continue to do horrible things to each other.

    This sucks.