For those of you who use Raspberry Pi’s in your home environment, I’m curious as to what you use them for. What applications are you running on them? Do you have your Pi’s setup in a cluster?
Not much love here for the Pi Zero W. I love them for being so flipping cute. I have a couple I use when I am learning a new system admin tool or service and I need to be able to let it run undisturbed to observe stability and function.
Lately I am learning MQTT so am using one as a broker to manage some homemade smart devices.
If I can ever find one in stock, i want a couple of Zero 2 for similar projects that would benefit from the extra oomph.
Just checked. All of the "cheap" ones require you to order 2+, and then have insane shipping costs. The rest are $100-120 CAD.
I don't think these things will ever be affordable. People who want one badly, will pay the money, and everyone knows it. No need to sell them at MSRP.