Federal student loan payments are about to be due for the first time in three years. Many borrowers will be juggling new debt payments on top of their loans.
Don't forget pointing at them for the rest of their lives and condemning them for the crime of "making bad decisions" ie trying to better themselves and prepare themselves for a fulfilling vocation that either doesn't exist or pays poverty wages (teachers, paramedics, counselors, etc, stuff decent societies actually value) in the US, all to drink in that sweet, sweet schadenfreude of the suffering of your fellow citizens.
The oligarchs used their bully pulpit of all major media that they own to train us to undermine one another, compete against one another, and root against one another so we'd never unite against our common enemy, them. This is merely the result of that, all the peasants blind after stabbing each other's eyes out, with the owners looking down at their livestock and laughing.
Right? I have yet to hear any of these "patriots" mention the national issue of no longer being able to compete on the world stage because American students can't afford to be students anymore... or to, you know, just live.
Housing, education, cost of living are shameful. Richest country in the world and it's all sitting at the top permanently out of reach. I'm highly educated, and I still just want to shut down constantly.
students get 50k in debt to make 1-1.5m more in their careers. It's an investment, how is that predatory?
I understand some practices are, and it's been spurred by the government releasing the flood gates of loans, letting 18 year olds rack up 200k in debt while encouraging universities to bloat the costs of college, but for the most part, getting a degree and going in debt is worth every penny.