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Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 31 Jul 2023

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  • Hey guys. All this talk about canned fish lately has prompted me find this recipe for yous.


    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 finely chopped onion
    2 tsp ground coriander
    1 tsp curry powder
    1 cup brown rice cooked
    100g peas
    4 naturally smoked mackerel fillets
    2 hard boiled eggs

    In a large frying pan heat the oil and fry onions. Add the spices and fry for a couple of minutes. Add the rice, peas and fish. Cook over a low heat stirring continuously. Serve with the eggs.

    Now I've cooked this heaps of times with white rice, microwave rice even potatoes. With canned and fresh fish as well. Don't worry about exact quantities. Add your favourite fish and vegetables. Leave things out if you want. A quick and easy meal and it's delicious.

    Here's a pic

    Image of Mackerel kedgeree of a cookbook.

    • I love kedgeree. This is always a winner. Could make it even more filling with lentils (closer to the original Indian inspiration, khichdi).

      I like cooking the onions then adding the rice to the pot and cooking it with the spices and fish water/oil from the tin, so that it absorbs even more flavour (like a pilaf?), then adding the fish and fresh herbs right at the end. And drained/rinsed tinned brown lentils if I want. It still stays a relatively simple one pot meal.

      • Bloody oath. I've even made it with mince. I've also used the oil from the fish tin to fry the onion. Possibilities are endless.

        • I might try it with mince or herring/kippers and see how it goes.

          Thanks for this!

          • If you're gonna do it with mince cook the mince first then put it aside and add it with the rice. Cooked chicken goes particularly well in this.

    • Yummm. I'm going to try this one soon! (With white rice because brown rice sucks)

      • The only brown rice I like is microwave brown rice because all the hard work is taken out of cooking it. Aldi have these. Stuff cooking it.

    • Sounds -and looks- great!

      Here's the easiest recipe I know.

      I chuck in some canned mackerel instead of salmon and use spaghetti instead of linguine. It's so simple you could probably substitute pretty much anything. Chicken would probably go well instead of fish.

      Surprisingly tasty for such a simple dish. I guess it's mainly how nice is your olive oil XD. When I do a batch, I cook double size and freeze half, so I've got a lazy meal ready as well.