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What is your guys favourite faction and why do you like them? (AoS or 40k)

Since this community is pretty dead I thought I liven it up a little with some very light discussion about factions in our favourite wargame we absolutely hate.

So for me it's the Orks. I love them in 40k and AoS. The chaotic, ramshackle ridiculousness of them is incredible entertaining. That and I am more interested in building models and painting than playing and Orks are perfect for that.

I also like Necrons because they are so awful but in an honest way. Yes they want to get rid of the other races so that the Necrons rule once more over the galaxy. But from their point of view it's understandable. They ARE better than every other living race in technology and science. Years are to them like seconds to us. The difference between Necrons and other living races really is like the difference between us and insects.

Edit: I just want to clarify that I don't think the Necrons are right in wanting everything dead. I just get why terrible space Egyptians would believe that they are right. I like that they are very upfront and honest about being dickheads.


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  • Welp, time to catch some flak, I guess. You see, I actually like the Imperium. Now, I don't think they are "good guys" in any shape or form, Emperor forbid. I just like the style. Mark III Power armour just looks awesome, fite me.

    AdMech is also cool, although I disagree heavily with GWs decision to make them steampunk/Da Vinci styled. Should've stuck with Blanche-esque horrific post-apocaliptic techno-barbarianism.

    Finally I will say this. I've been around multiple Warhammer communities and multiple RPs. And there's one thing I have learned - all factions are cool in their own way, it's the fans that suck and make everything terrible