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Is there any realistic way that Palestine can finally win this?
  • We will see how it plays out. I don't like speculating about human lives but I wish the Palestinian resistance much success.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's just so weird. I know a few Ultras in real life and some of them are really well read in theory and yet they fail the absolute basics. Which is the part that confuses me. Like they have so much niche knowledge of Marxism but don't get the basics. How do you end up like this?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Has anyone a genuine idea why ultras are like this? It's not like anyone was happy introducing the reforms and taking an (admittedly big) step back but reaching Communism eventually is a process. Why is it so hard for them to realise that countries don't exist in a vacuum. To ensure the long time survival of the Revolution taking a step back is a small price to pay when the alternative is failing and getting pillaged by the west.

  • So I gave Infinity a shot
  • We only played Code One (which is a simplified set of rules, makes for more casual games since you don't have to juggle as many rules.)

    And yeah. If what they told me is true then Ariadna is only holding together marginally and the militaries hate each other pretty much.

    But I am excited to play again. I bought the Haqqislam starter pack and will paint them on the weekend.

  • So I gave Infinity a shot

    I played my first two games of Infinity today with a friend who is really into the game. The game is fun but the lore seems to be dogshit. Like worse than 40k in some aspects. Given I only heard about if from my friend but from their explanation the factions seem to be weird.

    Apparently one of the factions consists of a bunch of Cryptobros and Ancaps in space and has a subfraction named Bakunin. The China inspired faction is presented as the rival to the main power in the universe because they believe they should be the rulers of everything instead. I guess Haqqislam is pretty cool though so there is that at least.

    Edit: Also just learned that Haqqislam has a unit called "Hakims" ... and they are doctors.

    What are your thoughts on the game?

    Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • This shit makes me so fucking angry. Honestly I will threat people with violence should they bring it up in real life. Slander Stalin? Yeah sure whatever liberal. Make apologies for Hitler in the same sentence?

    You shall experience V̴͎̇͛̽̚̚͠I̸̯̮̳͔̹̥͂́̾̚͝O̵͕͈̯̙̲͚̊̑͋̓̅̌͘͜͝Ļ̸̜̖͖́̄͐̅̇͑̈́̀̉͒̕̕Ȩ̷̫̣̻̗̰̎̆̌͋̚͝Ņ̸̛̛̗̟̘̠͙̻̘̱͇̯̬̰͉̌́͋͂̏̔ͅC̴͎̥̮̫̣̹̦͛͂̑̒͗̓̑̀̒̉͜E̵̛̛̛̙͙̳̺͑̂̃̈̀͂̉̅͛̇͌̽ͅ.

  • Under the latest Hakim video. Always great when someone criticises Hakim for being wrongly confident while being the most wrongly confident person on earth themselves.
  • I have listened to the episodes with him but I have no idea who he is outside of that. Could you please elaborate?

  • Do you ever feel guilty about enjoying liberal media?
  • Fucking what?!

    What's next?

    "Hey Guys, Dan Abnett here I just wanted to check in to tell you that the Imperium is actually based on Ukraine and Chaos is modern day Russia."

    Thinking about it that might already be the case anyway.

  • Do you ever feel guilty about enjoying liberal media?
  • Yeah I know what you mean.

    I feel like 40k or B99 problems stem from the liberal environment in which they are created. In another society I wouldn't have any problems with them. A show about silly cops doing silly stuff comes of way different in a communist society where the job of the police really is helping and protecting others instead of being the skull breakers and murderers of capitalism. That's part of the reason why I can find enjoyment in B99 but not in stuff like the Rookie.

    B99 is almost a caricature and while it never engages in any solutions or real (read non liberal "a few bad apples") criticism of the police. It's comical enough for me to go "Yeah that's fiction." While still being aware that at the end of the day it shows racist murderers and enforcers of the bourgeois rule as funny good guys.

    The Rookie tries to make you feel sympathy for real life cops sooooo bad it's ridiculous. It's rather obvious that the intention of the show is to portray a "relasticish" police drama. Which just doesn't gel with me since there just is nothing sympathetic about real life cops at all.

  • Do you ever feel guilty about enjoying liberal media?

    Title says it all.

    I am a huge 40k fan and I know how problematic 40k is with its portrayal of endless war and facism. Comrade @[email protected] has put it best:

    >Maybe all of the 40k factions are fascist and that universe’s lore has no dialectic of class struggle and is to violent to be realistic, thus serves as part of the superstructure for fascism. > >it reinforces the idea that the conflict between tribes will always supercede the conflict between classes. It’s wrong on so many levels.

    And yet I can't hate it. I have a hard time taking 40k serious and seeing it as more than a silly boardgame with cool minis and (deliciously) stupid lore.

    Same with B99. I know that the show is horrid copacanda, I know that shows like this prevent people from seeing pigs as the pigs they are because "funny cop show portraits them as silly and relatable." But I still like the show a lot. I like the characters and just pretend that it plays in a parallel universe were cops aren't the worst.

    I just sort of suppress any critical thoughts and take those things at face value without thinking about what they imply. It's just very hard to find alternatives.

    So yeah I feel terrible for finding enjoyment in this stuff even though I know I shouldn't. Can anyone relate or do you perhaps have similar feelings towards other franchises?

    Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles
  • I doubt climate change is a problem any longer. We will all have died in nuclear fire before.

  • Oh boy...this must be Biden's strategy before his election.
  • I am pretty sure it's 95% deeply rooted racism and the rest is the result of the ongoing propaganda campaign.

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • You are really desperately trying to get a rise out of me, aren't you? It's not gonna work.

    And who are you calling chronically online? My account made around 230 comments and 16 posts in a span of a year. Your account has made 280 comments in the span of TWO MONTHS. 🪞

  • I love the smell of Hanjian tears when they try to make the new Mate 60 Look bad
  • China: manages to produce 7nm chips with older technology This guy: Nooooo. Ther is no way the CCP can find solutions to problems. They must have bought them in secret and are only pretending to produce them on their own!

    Really delicious tears 😋

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • I’m just not dirty tankie scum.

    You are not a communist then. Just a liberal who read the communist manifesto once.

  • In DDR everyone was alloted an apartment to live in, but it was not a good place to live in but Ukraine is good 👍
  • Ohh definitely. While there where good reasons for the high focus on heavy industry, the lack of consumer goods was definitely a reason for the fall of the GDR.

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • Yes exactly. I want you to read the forbidden tomes so you will fall to the ruinous powers of communism.

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • I recommended a 300 pages long book not a paper. You said you spend 30 minutes with it. That's not enough to even skim it.

  • In DDR everyone was alloted an apartment to live in, but it was not a good place to live in but Ukraine is good 👍
  • It's weird my mother and her siblings all lived in the GDR. The GDR was disbanded when they were in their early to late twenties. My mother who was the oldest sibling has quite fond memories of the GDR (even though she was annoyed at some aspects so much that she considered putting forth an exit application. My uncles who where in their early twenties when the GDR fell don't think that way. They have adopted the Soviet Union bad, America good mindset.

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • Why ask a question when you can't be bothered with engaging in the answer?

    If you feel the need to actually learn something in the future take a look at genzhou here on the grad. Otherwise please don't waste anyone elses time.

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • Why do you guys even go to bat for China so hard? They’re not even communist? They are state capitalists and more right wing and authoritarian than the US republican party (other than on green energy)?

    Because they aren't. You are being lied to. If you want to understand us I recommend reading "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Guide for Foreigners" by Robert Boer.

  • Top minds of reddit
  • "Noooo! You aren't supposed to read actual communist theory. You can't engage with the well thought out arguments of Communist figureheads. You are supposed to read Ayan Rand and the Black book of Communism to gain a true understanding of its horrors."

  • High as fuck. Just want to say thank you.

    Thanks for being their for me commrades. I have often troubles and you are often there for me. I just want say thank you for being their. I made so much progress during the last year and next year will be even better

    I hope I don't have to delete this post tomorrow. Admins please don't fuck me up if this bad.


    Are there any motivational podcasts/speeches that aren't made by reactionaries?

    I think I could benefit from some motivation in the morning to help a bit with getting out of bed. The only podcasts I can find are either made by people like Jocko Willink shudders or just promote grind/hussle culture.

    Is there anything motivational that isn't made by reactionaries?


    How would you deal with your dream job having really shitty pay?

    Title says it all. Basically I am at a point where I can choose between 2 jobs.

    One would leave me incredibly busy, completely stressed for the next 3-4 years and wouldn't leave me with a lot of free time in general (it also has a very high burn out quote) and a lot of young people who enter the job leave shortly after. The pay would be good, the job is incredible secure, it would make me a civil servant and it's a job I would mostly enjoy. I find it incredibly fulfilling and it is a lot of fun. But my job would be pretty much everything I do from then with no real time for other hobbies.

    The other job is much more relaxed, it is even more fun and I would work with one of my hobbies. But the pay is dogshit I would make the least of any of my friends, it is less secure and the working hours are funky but regular. It might become very challenging to afford a family on this salary (not impossible though).

    I feel like I am fucked either way. Any thoughts?


    What is your guys favourite faction and why do you like them? (AoS or 40k)

    Since this community is pretty dead I thought I liven it up a little with some very light discussion about factions in our favourite wargame we absolutely hate.

    So for me it's the Orks. I love them in 40k and AoS. The chaotic, ramshackle ridiculousness of them is incredible entertaining. That and I am more interested in building models and painting than playing and Orks are perfect for that.

    I also like Necrons because they are so awful but in an honest way. Yes they want to get rid of the other races so that the Necrons rule once more over the galaxy. But from their point of view it's understandable. They ARE better than every other living race in technology and science. Years are to them like seconds to us. The difference between Necrons and other living races really is like the difference between us and insects.

    Edit: I just want to clarify that I don't think the Necrons are right in wanting everything dead. I just get why terrible space Egyptians would believe that they are right. I like that they are very upfront and honest about being dickheads.
