You provide two links to random unrelated pages after having previously lied, claiming that sources had already been provided, entirely so that you could then repeat the lie and have something to point to, even though again, the links were irrelevant. Troll.
I'm pretty sure someone else did, it's irrelevant because I provided links and you didn't bother to do any research you just discarded them by look alone. So again dumb or not arguing in good faith so you can drop the indignation as it's fairly stale.
No, they did not. You are lying when you say that, just like you were lying when you claimed it the first time.
Here's a link that proves every claim you made this whole conversation is wrong. It literally says on this page that, in this specific comment chain, nobody had provide a link to a source at the time you claimed they had. The link is:
See, I can provide irrelevant links and lie about what they say just like you do.
I literally did use them and they didn't show anything you claimed they showed after I said they wouldn't and you doubled down that they did. I literally provided screenshots. Liar and troll.