Shut up. Stop making every thread about your piracy agenda. Nobody cares. And this isn't even remotely related to the topic in this case. Apparently you don't even know what Roku is.
It really doesn't... Beyond the active "pirates" who would tell you to fuck off are the many MANY regular folks sympathetic to the cause. You live in a fantasy world where everyone else is as much of a tattletale pig boy as you are, friend. Especially on a thing like Lemmy, where the average user is an elder millennial, we all at e very least dipped our toes in e seven seas sorting the Napster/Kazaa days.i
You live on an island, friend. And nobody wants to visit you there.
Everyone has pirated something when they were 15. I'm still pirating stuff sometimes to this day. But I don't see it as my mission to spread it like a political agenda on every thread on the internet. Literally copy-paste without context. What's the point of doing this? It's really annoying especially when phrased so arrogantly, like it's the only right thing to do and everyone should pirate because it's some kind of political protest against big-tech or something. It's all just bullshit coming from people who don't want to pay but feel guilty about it, so instead of just admitting that they don't want to pay they perform some moral gymnastics to rationalise their behaviour and keep the cognitive dissonance at bay. Just do your thing and let everyone do theirs.
Just take it elsewhere. I'm tired of seing the same comment about piracy on 75% of my threads recently. You don't need to tell us you do piracy. You're not actually on a mission. You can cope elsewhere.
Then you don't know what Roku is either. Because it's definitely a steaming service, too.
For example, they got the exclusive on Weird Al Yankovic's "Weird". I watched that on Roku. The first time. But I found the ads so grating that I pirated it so I could rewatch it without the annoyance.