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Your vote only matters in swing states. The whole electoral college thing is fucked.
Yeah, it's pretty dumb. The popular vote is what should matter. That's the only way each vote counts as much as any other vote, which is like a basic principle of democracy.
didn't Trump still win the popular vote though
Yes, but many people simply don't vote because they know their chosen party will win easily. By the numbers there are more Democrats than Republicans.
fair enough
He got more votes than Harris, but less than 50%.
Internalizing the "your vote only matters in purple states" will turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy.
Previously blue states have turned purple, previously purple states have turned red. Nothing is set in stone, although resting on your laurels (if your state is blue) or giving up (if your state is red) will all but guarantee that the changes will only happen in one direction: the bad one.
In 2020, Texas would have gone blue were it not for Ken Paxton purging mail-in votes, by Paxton's own admission.
Nothing is set in stone, so you need fight for every inch.
Internalizing the “your vote only matters in purple states” will turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy.
They're not prophesizing about some future, but making an obvious factual statement about present reality.
Nothing is set in stone, so you need fight for every inch.
You should check out the current administration. They're not leaving any time soon.
Does emphasizing "votes only matter in swing states" influence future votes?