So they went ahead and picked the least habitable planet in our entire solar system to harbor a civilization? They should have said Europa, at least then it would have been moderately believable.
I mean, according to them, they have transcended the need for physical bodies (presumably because they ate only raw fruit and shit themselves out of existence)
Fruit is really good for you! I try to eat a lot every day. It could help prevent illness. Won't cure it though!
Seriously kiwis are so good and two big ones are only 100 calories. An entire pint of blueberries is only around 170, and they are both fantastic nutritionally. Eat other stuff too though, for sure.
let me refer you to my good friend Valiant Thor (yes that's his name) who is a real bona-fide Venusian alien who is definitely a great person to give you health advice.