I'm sure this one day boycott will be just as effective as the others were.
If you want results you need to put in time and have a target. Conservatives didn't boycott beer, they boycotted Bud Light. They didn't do it for a day, they did it until Bud Light gave up. Say what you will about the "why" of it, but it was effective.
I posted another comment but they are effective if strong enough. If their metrics crash today it will worry them. Later if it can be followed up by two days, three, a week. Its a message. There are some more targeted ones on the calendar to. Might have actually been more effective for the artist to do a remember one yesterday but then again its nice to do a solidarity one today. We shall see how much people care to send a message or not.
I'm a cashier, I was pleasantly surprised when a customer mentioned the blackout to me on Monday. I didn't think anyone was talking about it offline. I'm hoping with all my heart that work is dead slow today, but knowing how backwards the people in my town are, I know it's a Pipedream.
I don't hang on other social media but im on them. my condo has a facebook page and I am looking for work on linkedin. I have seen it on these. but I can't speak the the popularity because I only use these things the minimum necessary although the fact I saw them at all maybe says something.
Doing boycotts like this one is putting in time and having targets. No one thinks a single day of boycotting will change the world, it's part of the process.
One thing that definitely won't get results is listening to people like you who shit on every effort to get a movement going, which is happening. There will be a next step, and another, and maybe one of those steps could be boycotting a single company or product like the Montgomery bus boycott or Pepsi during apartheid.
I laid out what an effective boycott looks like with a specific recent example that accomplished what it set out to do. I'm not sure how much more constructive I can be. What would you consider to be constructive if not that?
People have absolutely gotten to a point where they don't want any criticism even if it is meant to help us come up with plans.
No plan or idea should be single in origin and it's by the back and forth we find plans... But people are either right or wrong with no in-between in western culture.