Right right, it's a neat graphic, but it kind of ignores people who remember multiple presidential elections.
If we vote Democrat and then the Democrats don't do jack s*** then what surprise is it that people stay home next time? Obama was weak. Biden was weak. They could have pushed policies that would benefit the average American citizen, and they mostly didn't. The party threw us away, not the other way around.
And I still think people should vote, but you don't get to blame them for the Democrats being s*****.
I don't think the Democratic Party in this country is all that great. However, I've seen this take many times and I don't understand why only the Democrats are blamed for the fact that the Republicans seem to constantly make things difficult for them to achieve anything. What exactly is bipartisanship these days??
The republicans are blamed too, but why would they give a shit? People are upset at democrats because they promise progressive ideals, renig on it, and when it’s them who are supposed to obstruct to save peoples lives, they refuse, buying into republicans talking points of “public mandate”
They had control of the house, senate and presidency and backed away from passing a single payer system. They chose, instead, to simply provide government subsidies to insurance companies.
They had the opportunity, and the power, to provide universal healthcare like ever other Western Democracy and they chose to gift health insurance company billions without any meaningful change to the system.
I'm glad you got healthcare, everyone should have healthcare. Everyone could have had healthcare, but they were weak.
They controlled the House and Obama was President. And, for months (72 working days), they had a supermajority in the Senate.
The ACA was negotiated and passed while a Senate seat was being contested, it was decided in favor of Franken(D) giving the Democrats a supermajority for months.
Medicare for all was reintroduced, as it has been cut from the ACA, but the bill never made it to a floor vote. They could have passed it with a party line vote but Obama was trying to create bipartisanship and passing Medicare for all was attacked in the media ("Death Panels" was a popular right-wing meme at the time) so the Democrats simply carried on, leaving us without a single payer system.
It's like they're trying to force only two options- Either Democrats are beyond reproach and you have to vote for them, or you hate democracy. I'm not allowed to be critical of Dems and have voted for them. I'm not allowed to call them complicit or call out their lack of resistance.
I'm going to be very critical of Dems and I'm going to keep a close eye out for any feasible alternatives. I'm hard out if they put AOC up.
That's totally fine, as long as you understand that right now, in America, if you want to protect our democracy, you have to vote Dem, because Republicans do not respect our democracy, at all.
I’m going to keep a close eye out for any feasible alternatives.
That's also fine if you're talking about local elections, but not if you're talking about the Presidency. Because no 3rd party has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the presidency. Why? Because no 3rd party has any presence, at all, in the House or Senate and the 3rd party candidate with the most votes in 2024 only got HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast.