Trump Kicks Aside Congress With Sweeping Claims of Presidential Power | With aggressive reading of Constitution, president aims to upend balance of power in Washington
I'll note that as a newspaper for the owning class, their hard-news section is much more willing to plainly describe the coup against congress & constitution that's going on than other outlets.
Everyone in the US. Call your representatives ( is a great resource for this). Explain to them, POLITELY (because you are talking to the equivalent of a CSR who has gotten screamed at all day), that you are their constituent and you do not feel represented. Explain that you understand their powers are limited but ask them why they are quietly and meekly rolling over. Beg them to be vocal before it is even too later. And leave your name and contact information.
There isn't a lot that can be done but we can at least show our former allies that some of us care. And we can show those on the firing lines that they at least have a modicum of support.
Some will do stuff like that, and ask cops to clear the crowd too. But we don't need every Republican to do the right thing. Just enough that they can vote with the Democrats.
It is wild how much literal brain damage is on the right. For instance, isn’t Sorbo’s story that he had some fucking illness and came out an asshole on the other side?
Same thing here. Mine is hardcore MAGA and both Senators are 100% shills. Also no one in my area cares... they all think Trump is going to do a great job and save everything. There are two Democrats in Congress from my state but neither one is capable of fighting anything. I don't know what to do but watch it burn.
Yes. The majority of republicans and even some of the democrats are all just eager to get as many kickbacks as they can and then bail.
But that isn't the entire government. There are still Democrats who actually give a shit about their constituents just like there are republicans who only want black people to get a little bit hurt. And, right now, the majority of them just hear silence.
The people who give a shit need to talk to the politicians who give a shit so that they will shout it from the rooftops and others might even know what is going on. How many stories were there about people who didn't even realize biden had dropped out?
Because just look at the defunding of medicaid last week. There was pushback and it was dropped immediately.