What about fathers with children? My dad brought his young daughters into the men’s room when we were out in public, because supervision is more important than the other patrons.
Why don't you ask Trans Women why they don't want to use the Men's room any longer. Seems if there was no issue with men, I dunno, often found washing their cock, balls and assholes in the bathroom sinks, and OP's idea that we can all be kumbaya in a Unisex bathroom, Trans Women would want to spearhead the movement, by using the Men's rooms, but they don't want to, and there's an excellent reason they don't.
What the fuck are you on about? Which third world do you come from where people are washing their assholes in the sink? Trans women don't want to use the mens rooms for the same reason it was dangerous to be openly gay in the 80s.
That reason is that they don’t want to other themselves. If there’s no gender connotation with the room you choose, there’s no issue. Trans people are absolutely pushing for unisex bathrooms, and most women (cis and trans) are willing to use the men’s room when the other line is long enough.
I’ve seen women doing the same thing in bathrooms, because everyone is sometimes a mess, regardless of gender.
But it keeps out around 50% of the population whose presence would deter assault. People usually don't get assaulted in a place with a lot of random witnesses.
I'm glad you have zero idea about how crime works it's actually refreshing. Just how many rapes do you think are random. Don't most victims know their assailant?
We are talking about public toilets. The "random" people are stranger going for a pee.
I was agreeing with you. I was saying that other e.g. men would walk into the toilets, so the criminal wouldn't be alone with the victim and the criminal obviously doesn't care about the rules. But the random e.g. men that wouldn't enter as it is a women's bathroom, but if it is unisex, those men would enter and would deter some crimes as there would be a witness.
Listen nobody has to take a shit and thinks you know what while I'm in here I could go for a random rape was my point. Fucking approaching zero percent.
Some people seem to think that public toilets need urinals and that urinals couldn't be at e.g. the end of the toilet behind a cover, so people don't have an accidental peek on a dick.
On entry, A sideview of the urinals and potential dicks are mandatory. If not at least 6 women see me pee against their will, I will sue the government. Look at my dick, woman!!!/s
People are just weird and can imagine that, like you don't go out of your way to look at people change in locker rooms, you don't go out of your way to see dicks on a public bathroom and that obviously unisex toilets would change how we build toilets.
As a man, I haven't seen an other man's dick on the toilet in months... Honestly I think years but I don't want to lie.
Well with the bathrooms divided shitty things already happen. I'd actually like to counter your point and say this'll actually improve the issue. If someone has a bunch of guys ready to beat their ass if they do something fucked up, they might decide against it. Literally everyone in that bathroom would have to be a piece of shit person to let something like that happen whereas right now you just need one piece of shit to sneak into the other bathroom.
Say you've never been to NYC without saying it, you ever walked by a homeless guy jacking off? I'm also distrusting your "group of guys ready to beat ass hanging out in the bathroom." Who signs up for that bedside weird perverts?
A random homeless dude jerking off in the streets is not even in the same ballpark as someone getting raped in a bathroom, cmon. And it's not something you "sign up for", if you're not a piece of shit, you see someone in danger that you can maybe help, you try to help them. They aren't saying there's literally just a group of dudes sitting in a bathroom waiting for someone to try something, they're saying in a bathroom full of dudes, there's a pretty high chance if something does happen, they're not all going to just sit around or walk out.
Uhh.. ok? Not sure what I did to offend you, but sorry, I think..
Edit: can someone else tell me what's weird? I don't think anyone would compare seeing a mentally unwell person fondling their wiener to getting straight up assaulted, and I don't know anyone who wouldn't try to stop someone from being assaulted if they could help. Where am I off?
The first recruit! Your gonna have so much fun in that bathroom beating asses and jerking off with homeless dudes because that's totally not sexual assault.
And at the same time if you had a bunch of other guys in the bathroom to beat his ass that'd be a plus too. I ain't afraid to punch a pervert in his stupid face.
Maybe just better Multiperson bathrooms or single person only?
Honestly Bukiees the gas station, has a pretty great Multiperson bathroom experience. Add just a little more to that so that they washing area can be fully public (i.e. cameras), and for some places with less traffic some occupancy sensors for the toilet rooms, and bam. We can have private, safe feeling bathrooms that can handle higher volumes. No need to have people feel like their in little assault traps regardless of gender.