Anyone with a conscience is going to be purged anyway. Either that, or they'll be asked to do unforgiveable things. Better to just take the cash and leave with your soul intact.
It will take them at least 6 to find a new job in this market. That is if they find one at all once that H-1B nonsense kicks in and everyone is replaced.
The news complains about a labor shortage, meanwhile employers lower wages as prices and rent skyrocket. The shortage is people taking jobs that make less than rent.
No, it says you'll keep getting paid for 8 months at your current rate. Not that you will get the money right now. You still have to work but hey we promise not to fire you for 8 months and let you still telework for those months. If you got the whole money up front they wouldn't have the clause about resigning with an earlier end date
Considering how many of the orders are being written by AI, there is probably a lot of maneuvering room to comply with the written letter while completely ignoring the spirit.
The definition of sex, for example. Every single passport reads "F" from now on. Very malicious. Very compliant. Very much ignoring the spirit.
Leaving en masse would destroy the federal government quickly. Staying and continuing to work for this administration will destroy the federal government slowlyless quickly.
It's just a matter of whether you want to be complicit in opposition to fascism or complicit in cooperation with fascism.
Leaving the system means no one is in the system to report on what is going on in the system. Accelerationism won’t end how those people think it will. It’s just 100 years of Nazis until the world collapses in on itself and humanity is endangered or extinct.
Im all for malicious compliance, when it makes sense.
Our company tried to cut our house keeping services, and told us we needed to empty trash cans ourself. You bet your sweet ass i made sure everyone charged their engineering charges to "house keeping" for those few minutes. We got house keeping back in about 2 months
Not entirely. If you drag it out, they get to have everything they want while crushing all people below them in a slow steamroller death. If you completely crash the system, everyone is on more or less equal footing for the first time in this country's history.