Since the Democrats didn't give every single thing on the bLuEmAGa screechers wishlist, ofc Trump was the perfect alternative!
Definitely not an example of letting perfection become the enemy of good or anything!
Edit: To whoever replied to me, but probably has me blocked since I can't see it (only the reply counter) unblock me if you're going to reply to me, coward!
One of Biden's last acts this month was to approve another few billion for Israel, and Harris said repeatedly she wasn't gonna do anything different from Biden's admin. It wasn't gonna be better for those kids if she won.
One of the first things Trump did was reverse the Biden policy regarding sending 2,000 pound bombs to Israel, and he has talked about “clearing out” Gaza. Trump’s policies are already objectively worse.
But it's silly to act like "His version of the genocide is worse than our version of the genocide" is anything but a fucking exhausting and demoralizing conversation
My b, you somehow got blocked on accident as I also never block anybody.
Good is funding a genocide?
There was keeping the status quo at worse (Harris) and then there was throwing the dial to 11 and opening new potential genocide fronts right here in America! (Trump)
Oh no worries, I probably said something stupid at some point.
I completely agree with everything you're saying except that the Harris campaign was good. There were no good choices this election, there was just an objectively wrong one. I voted for Harris anyway because trump is obviously worse by far, I think I'm just still pissed at her milquetoast center right campaign.
As a fellow reluctant Harris voter, I wonder if people like them think that anyone who criticized Harris/the campaign didn't vote. I know A LOT of hardcore leftists that are left of even me and every one of them voted. Some would maybe not say it out loud in a group, but they all did just in case Trump had the votes lol. It's a shame they sacrificed their morals not only for Harris to lose, but now they're also being blamed for it. If people had anti lib energy the way they had anti leftist energy, we'd have M4A by now lol.
Keeping your most important ally in the Middle East isn't about good or bad. It's simply necessary.
Now we have a worse "genocider".
You aren't just voting for the person to have power. You're voting for their party to have power. It wasn't just about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
And in case you didn't notice, we've got some pretty serious issues here at home to be focusing on and taking into account when we vote. Palestinians are simply not at the top of my list.
Palestine is at the top (or near the top, anyways) of my list and...
I voted for Harris. Ignoring a genocide is bad, yes, but cheering it on is worse. I don't think anyone in Gaza was cheering when they heard the news Trump was elected.
I think people don't understand that (under the fptp voting system) voting isn't some kind of stamp of approval. You can still criticize someone you vote for. Voting is harm reduction, plain and simple.
So… Harris lost by some 2.3 million votes. Collectively, third party spoilers netted over 3 million votes.
Now, we add in the just under 90 million people that chose not to vote at all- and assume that at least several million of those people folded their arms and pouted because something they don’t understand is going on in a place they didn’t know existed a bit over year ago because of reasons that even though has been explained to them ad-nauseam, they still refuse to acknowledge because if flies in the face of their edgy manufactured outrage…
… it’s safe to assume protest votes and non-voting was a tremendous lift in helping trump win the White House.
we do have a popular vote in this country, the popular vote just doesn't determine the presidency, it's the electoral vote that does. Which is an even better argument for why you should go out and vote, because it fucking matters. A lot.
It’s irrelevant when you factor in the 90 million people that didn’t vote. Had a decent amount of them voted instead of pouting at home, they could have made a HUGE difference in the battleground states.
If only these people weren’t so lazy and entitled that they otherwise would. Because maybe that would have motivated them to at least put some thought into the idea that other people live here too.
Naaah.. they knew.
And the reason I know they knew is because I was here when we all tried to warn them. When we all TOLD them what would happen if trump won.
But they think they’re owed perfection. Well, they’re not. And now, a LOT of people are going to suffer greatly-
Do you seriously think that I believe protest voting/non-voting is a brand-new phenomenon and relegated to lemmy only? That it doesn’t happen every single election? That people don’t try and reason with them every single election? And then when they inevitably never listen- that people don’t try and warn them what will happen to those with brightly glowing bullseyes painted on them should they decide to pout and stay home?
Seriously? This your first time?
Because I’ve been here before. And a long time ago, I was on the other side of this. Luckily, I grew up when I saw the consequences of my entitlement. Thankfully for me, it was during a time when I was afforded the luxury of things not being like they are today. So the consequences of my stupidity weren’t as severe and I didn’t have to live with the idea that I hurt anyone with my selfishness.
Now… people are going to die because somehow, these idiots got it in their head that perfect is the opposite of “but I don’t like it!”
Lastly… I hope they’re proud of themselves, because what is happening now? Yeah… he isn’t even in the warm-up phase of what he’s about to do to us. So maybe go on and tell them they should take their bow now while there’s still people remaining that are ignorant enough to think that somehow- they’ve managed to do something by doing nothing.
I think we can agree to disagree and end this here as I don’t see any ground being moved from this.
You're free to blame individual voters, but like you said they'll always be with us in every election. Continuing to blame them will not change a damn thing.
I'd rather blame the political consultants who were paid a billion dollars and didn't move the damn needle. If there's always going to be protest voters, maybe the people whose job is to get people to vote should be blamed for the loss instead.
Civics education is terrible in this country, but the people who have advanced political science degrees should be able to win elections, right?
I’d rather blame non-voters and idiots that voted for third party spoilers that they knew had no chance to win because they’re upset about something that happened that they barely understand, in a place they didn’t know existed a year ago.
You do you though. It’s still a free country for now.
The Dems had 11million votes less than what they got in 2020, the Republicans had 5mil less
We know Democrats don't change to Republicans, and Republicans very rarely change to Democrats.
(Maybe) the 1mil came from democrat protesters, more likely they came from Republicans who don't want to vote Democrat.
So either way the protest votes were still a drop in the bucket compared to the other 10million white men/women and hispanic men we can see from the shifts in voter demographics.
Im sorry you don't like the data I'm observing but we live in a deeply bigoted country and it's better to try to engage with that and fix it instead of feeling attacked.
Poor people? See, you’re creating the straw man here, as you brought that up. Not me. This has nothing to do with poor people aside from your attempt to set up your little gotcha moment.
It’s not working.
And the goalposts were never there to begin with because this isn’t a fucking game.
Protest voters were young people, who voted the exact same as every other election. They don't vote.
If you want to engage with reality and look at the data you would see that the groups that voted for Biden and not Harris were older white men/women, and older hispanic men. Most likely because of the instilled patriarchal values and machismo culture of these groups made it hard to stomach voting for a woman with the same policies as the white man they voted for.
I know for sure some people who didn't vote because of white "leftist" content creators who were working hard all 2024 to smear Kamala and BIPOC liberal content creators. There's not enough data to measure the damage they did, I don't see any reason they should be let off the hook either.
You mean the smear like her campaigning with a Cheney?
Face it: The Harris campaign was barely organized and had no idea of how to campaign against Trump. They thought most people would just vote for her, and decided courting marginal Republicans would let them win.
Criticizing the connection to Cheney is just fine, I'm talking about propaganda around how the "liberal media" is overreacting to Project 2025.
And look where we are now: Project 2025.
And it's not even just about elections or results: there's no excuse for a very influential white leftist to leverage their power to harass and put down BIPOC creators. There's no excuse to defend this behavior.
The same but not treated the same, America has some pretty brutal privilege hierarchies which makes life more difficult for minority groups, disabled people, and anyone who isn't a cishet white Christian male.
Which makes it inexcusable for a white leftist with capitol and influence to run harassment campaign against BIPOC creators.