Geology is similar - one gray rock with brown spots is granite, another is zanzibarite - a name I just made up but that's the idea. But then doing geology wrong won't usually kill you.
I still remember when I met a pilot who majored in geology. I asked him "you know the irony in that right?" He says "yep. But hey at least I can tell you about the mountain we're about to crash into."
My college had one geology class and everybody called it Rocks for Jocks, because all the jocks took it to satisfy their science requirement. I heard all you had to do to pass the final was identify all the mineral specimens in this one big display in the hallway. I always saw jocks standing in front of that thing, taking notes so they could memorize it. This was pre-digital-camera.
Mushroom foraging gets so much unreasonable fear that it will kill you instantly the first time you do it. And only people with arcane woodcraft skills and a death wish do it. Yes, there mushrooms that can kill you if you eat them. But a lot of the bad ones will just make you wish they had killed you. But you will survive the experience.
And like many human endeavors, such as skydiving, driving a vehicle, swimming, or crossing a busy street, will quickly get you killed if you do it wrong. It takes education and practice with someone that knows how to do it correctly to learn to do it yourself. Mushroom hunting falls into that same category.
If you wish to do it, take some classes. They can be often found in big cities. Go out with proper experienced guides and perhaps learn a new skill. The hardest part is admitting when you ain't sure if you are right and then walking away. Or not. It's up to you.
I have a friend who used to hunt for morels with his dad. I said really, where do you do that? (cuz I just casually wondered) - He suddenly got all cagey and wouldn't give me a straight answer, like I was asking him to reveal the location of the missile codes LOL.
The classes I seen do have places to show terrain and even for new people to find mushrooms. But individuals, well we don't have places for such things. I just have places were I know I can find mushrooms on a good day. And that's it.
It would be impossible for your friend to create all the proper conditions for many mushrooms to grow in his backyard.