I remember reading something from Sid Meier about odds in Civilization, saying that odds need to be faked in games. If you make it fair, people will accuse it of being fixed. You need to cheat in the player's favour. It's done this way in games like XCOM too.
XCOM made me hatred XCOM, until I played other games that weren't as 'fair' and it felt too cheap. XCOM is why i played Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader (highly recommend) and Wasteland 3 at much higher difficulties, chasing that sweet terrible luck-based high
nothing, it's just that because you would tend to take high percentage shots so you eventually see shots with high percentage missing, and aliens tend to take low percentage shots so naturally you do eventually see them hitting.
People just don't understand statistics and probabilities. Our brains just aren't built for it. So, a fair 25% chance feels way more unlikely than it really is.