Huh? Are you trying to take a swing at corn bread cuz homie, every southern matriarch would like a word. Don't shit on corn bread lol. But for real what is the connection between corn, chocolate and cake. I'll be the first to admit candy corn is candy from Satan's anus. The closest I can gather is carrot cake and that shit is just as good as corn bread if not better.
No shit. Worked as a sous chef for years but somehow never made corn bread to know it even had HFCS in it much less how it was viewed in the global culinary community. Good shit, thanks for the knowledge.🍻
Here's a little explanation as to the differences with US chocolate.
The bit about Butyric Acid explains why US chocolate tastes literally like vomit; it's the component in vomit that gives it the distinctive taste and smell.
When Hershey's products came to the UK they initially had to be relabelled to reflect the extremely low cocoa content and be called "chocolate flavored candy bar".
Creme eggs have been around for 60-odd years. They're crazy sweet and not very high-quality – especially after the Kraft acquisition, as it's not even Cadbury's Dairy Milk any more.
What you get in the US are smaller and made over there by Hershey, so frankly they're probably as bad or worse, but you're not missing out on much. gets worse and worse. You want to see none of those in good chocolate. But at least Lindt checks out as an owner they upcharge you for the gold paint on the packaging and also use cheap cocoa.
Go to Aldi. Buy Moser-Roth. Same quality, priced sensibly. Or treat yourself and buy something from Domori.