Reminds me of when people find out I do cocaine and Adderall.
"Oh Michael likes to get high"
No, Michael doesn't have health insurance and has very severe adhd. I can't live a normal life without stimulants and drug dealers are cheaper than doctors. welcome to America.
Damn mate, that's really rough. I did see recently how US companies are taking advantage of the made-up scarcity to scalp people with ADHD to the point where the black market is more affordable. I only you know what you're doing vis-a-vis risks from tainted batches.
I do worry about getting a hot batch and dying but that's just the state of America today. Women will be getting dangerous back ally abortions as well soon.
please test your pills! fentanyl test strips are cheap and widely available. you can also use reagent tests to confirm what is (and isnt) in them. DanceSafe is a great resource for this:
You nailed it. I fall into the insurance gap in my state. I make too much for free healthcare but not enough to qualify for discounts on healthcare. The Fed thinks I should be helped by my state, my state disagrees.
Kind of off topic but when people say "capitalism is evil" it reminds me of the people who say "socialism never works"
The rebuttal is always "well REAL socialism hasn't been tried. Soviet Russia was a bastardization of the system!"
I feel that way about capitalism. America isn't a capitalist system. It's a corrupt oligarchy and that's the issue. If we had REAL capitalism I wouldn't be having this problem. Not saying life would be perfect I'm just saying corruption is the reason I can't afford a doctor, not capitalism.
Socialism tempers capitalism when balanced right. Let people pay the market rate for their choices, let society pay for health. America's problem is too much is for profit, too little for the social good
Option C: capitalism is neither good nor evil, just an economic reactor core that must be properly harnessed to deliver on its promise (market efficiency) and avoid its peril (oligopoly).
The primary means of keeping the reactor core healthy (full-market efficient) is to keep it cool (evenly distributed) by pruning and recirculating capital via taxes. This amounts to redistribution, of course, which many have taken to calling “socialism.” But the reality is both are needed to maintain balance in the people’s economy.
The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can fix the damn reactor core.
Eh, cocaine seems kinda too much. I understand lots of adderall.
BTW, where I am normal ADHD medication is illegal, unless you get it and the recipe in another country. As you might imagine, that is kinda expensive to do every few months.
Caffeine is a very good stimulant for treating adhd symptoms as well. It has a very similar wake up affect to cocaine when taken sublingually or snorted. Take this with a grain of salt, as it needs to be carefully dosed still to avoid heart damage, so much more so when taken in those ways. Not recommending it as a substitute for real prescription meds of course, but it is a world better for you long term than cocaine.
It's not a combination. I'd try to buy Adderall which is what a doctor would prescribe but there is an Adderall shortage because... Well because people sell their meds to drug dealers so the FDA clamped down.
So if Adderall isn't available or too expensive I buy cocaine and use small amounts to combat my condition.