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I run a site that archives interesting minis projects (no title)

A place for scratchbuilt models and wargaming

If anybody wants to take a look. I put up posts on all kinds of minis stuff, but there is a focus on Oldhammer and scratch building stuff. I just want to show it off. I plan to keep adding and making it a kind of archive for projects that I find very cool.

Yes, self promotion. No, I don’t get any money out of it or anything. No ads. I run it at a loss, and all the minis are put up after talking with the creators


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  • There is some really nice stuff on there, thanks for sharing. I particularly like the feudal guard, I've been reading up in Knight Worlds recently and was imagining something similar as back-up for some imperial knights.

    If you are into oldhammer stuff or have stuff you would like to share with the community check out

    • I think the "." at the end of your url is breaking it.

      • Wierd, it seems work in the browser. Are you using Jerboa?

        Either way I've edited the post to remove the fullstop, thanks for letting me know.

        • Yes I had issues. I ended up manually searching for the Oldhammer community but I did find it.

          • I'm glad you found it, I realised not long ago I've definitely told you about it more than once!! Sorry about that, in my defence I am trying as hard as I can to post comment upvote and drive engagement on lemmy, I may be going a bit OTT. :/

        • Yes, it was via Jerboa! Glad to help you maybe get more views with a simple fix. I LOVE the idea of the community (as someone who owns 0 minis ATM).