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haelusnovak haelusnovak
Posts 6
Comments 89
What is an unpopular game/series you enjoy anyway?
  • Aranock-Online; Still available, but nothing like its earlier days, predictably.

  • How would you explain to a new user how Lemmy works?
  • Instead of visiting the Mall of America and shopping at only what the mall will offer, using outdated infrastructure-- you can instead visit a variety of towns ("instances") which each host their own cute boutiques ("communities") specializing in a particular sort of item (whatever the topic of the community is). The instances can have their own rules that apply to its communities, but communities can also make their own rules, like a shop can. Skip the crowds and barely functional Supermall experience and find a better place to engage in discussion and get information.

  • [Discussion] Favorite and least favorite things about your steam deck
  • Oh, this thread has definitely encouraged me to do so again! 😁 Mostly I haven't because I've been having issues playing ANY games-- I keep turning them on and then off bc I cannot focus. 🥴

  • If Spez joined Lemmy what would you do?
  • He seems so obsessed with how people receive him that he's probably already here somewhere to keep tabs on it. At the very least I like to imagine him paying some assistant to do such for him.

  • Really excited about knitting this shawl!
  • This is so colourful. Amazing how well the strident colours surprisingly complement each other.

  • [Discussion] Favorite and least favorite things about your steam deck
  • My opinion is likely outdated. I was really excited for the stream deck, but it struggled to work properly when I received it. And there were often issues with the clock and wifi that made it nearly impossible to use. Throw in some issues with audio not playing over tv speakers...

    It ended up becoming an expensive paperweight over the last few months as it brought me memories of frustration and buyers regret rather than joy.

    I'm not trying to make anyone angry or anything. Many people here seem to love it, so maybe I should give it another go. I hope some updates have maybe increased its performance. Just wanted to share my honest experience...

  • What are you playing this weekend? 06/16
  • Yes! That's a very good point. I'll probably splurge after getting paid, but thanks for pointing the finger to Atlus. 😁 I'll give them a pass just because I love EO games.

  • What are you playing this weekend? 06/16
  • Cannot afford it until I get paid at the end of the month, but I'm so thrilled about the Etrian Oddysey re-release. Usually I'm not big on re-release, but these games hold a special importance for me as my first dungeon crawlers. If only Nintendo priced things more accessibly. 😔

  • Can we change the "post" icon?
  • I thought the + would be to attach something. I guess I'll get used to it, but it was a bit confusing for me. I don't social media much anymore, though, so I'm not going to feign wisdom about this.

  • Introducing the /c/Autism chat room on Matrix/Element
  • Oh, thanks for clarifying! I thought I commit an unknown aggravating behaviour. Feel much better with your comment. 🙇

  • Introducing the /c/Autism chat room on Matrix/Element
  • Am I OP being called 💩?

    I honestly don't know much about this. I wasn't suggesting it was. I was trying to ask as I'm also new to all of this. 😵‍💫

  • Is there a name for this joint?
  • The ol' Hammer-and-Anvil!

    I just make that up, but I like it. 😅

  • Introducing the /c/Autism chat room on Matrix/Element
  • For this service, is the same login as Lemmy used, or a totally new one? It's confusing to me when these Fedithings interact and when they do not. Sorry if this is obvious! 😵‍💫

  • How many plan to stay on lemmy post blackout?
  • I deleted my old accts, and this reminded me to finally delete FB messenger too, which somehow continued to live on like a root I didn't eradicate from an awful plant I chopped down. Frankly, I didn't really use Reddit much beyond lurking for answers to Q's I asked on Google and encouraging others on sobriety pages, so they won't miss me. But at least here I can lurk without feeding a man's ego so much.

  • Oniscus asellus
  • Glad you enjoyed them. I actually thought they were P. scaber at first too. And my first image might not have been the best. However, over on the reddit isopod page, they were identified as O. asellus based upon their little pale skirts and lack of bumpy back. Here's a couple other images that may help us come to a conclusion. Either way, they're cute. 🥰

    This lady lost an antenna, but helped my populate my collection all the same. 💪

  • What are you listening to now, and how?
  • That's a great term, haha. I guess I didn't think of it as a commitment, but a curiosity. I likely wouldn't have gotten so far into the first one if I hadn't seen the two movies. I wanted to see what was consistent or not. So far, beyond the trope outlined above, the most jarring aspect of the world is the contrast in name types. "Jessica" and "Paul" feel out of place even amongst other members of the same house Atreides. I may or may not keep with the series of books depending on how edgy the author finds himself needing to be to show how desperate and desolate the universe is. But I rarely listen to audiobooks as I get distracted, so I consider this a surprising success.

  • What are you listening to now, and how?
  • After seeing the new and the campy old Dune movies, I've been listening to the first book. About 1/3 through. I love the writing, but I find myself exhausted with the trope of "creepy bad fat man loves to abuse young boys". I imagine that this book influenced the same character archetype in the first Eve Online novel. But, as a gay man, it feels very frustrating like gay pedophilia is somehow being characterized as /the worst pedophilia/ when ALL of it is abhorrent. The gay themes just added to increase the "ick" factor for the common straight reader even more? To really seal in the evilness? Idk, it's annoying, especially when there's so much anti-lgbt hate being spread with accusations of pedophilia and grooming, but it seems non-lgbt individuals are making these art... Rant about harmful tropes aside, I am surprised by how well both movies stuck to the main events, although the book is much more likeable than either. The audio file is... Around online.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm more of a Rod of Seasons man. Aranock-Online. RuneScape. Any Etrian oddysey.

  • Old project. Guard bunkers made out of party cups. scratchbuilt weapons out of plasticard.
  • I'm not an expert, but I think these are amazing. Really creative, excellent spirit and colour, and convincing weapons. Bravo.

  • microthoughts haelusnovak

    Zombie Day

    I feel guilty for using this community like a Mastodon, even when the sidebar/community encourages it. I have a Mastodon account for practicing another language, but sometimes I don't want the challenge associated with that mental exercise. 🤔

    Anyway, I woke up today feeling absolutely tired, and it has continued all day. It's like wearing a weighted blanket, and trying to move. More mental than physical, though, and paired with slight irritability. 🧟‍♂️

    It's probably because I've been working a lot (6-7 days a week, but with variable hours on each day)... and waking too early, but I still feel like I'm not getting enough done. 👴 My success in life has been due entirely to weaponizing fear into toxic productivity. Any slack in the line is interpreted by my brain as utter laziness.

    Thank you for tolerating my brain spill and emojis. 🧠


    Oniscus asellus

    Just a few of my Oniscus asellus which I collected from a nearby park. I believe they were chomping on an cucumber piece. Sorry for mediocre phone camera. 😬

    I also have some Orange Koi, but they're not established/flourishing yet.


    Inbox Replies - Go to Comment

    So, I love the app! And an update today already out on GitHub, wow!

    Perhaps I missed how this can be done... When. I go to my profile, and then the comments I've made, I can click "go to comment" to find my own comment in a sea of responses to the original thread. However, when I get a notification in my inbox that someone replied to a post or comment I made, that same "go to comment" seems to be missing, which makes the notification... Kind of nonfunctional. I can click the thread and scroll to find my comment, I can hide the comment by clicking the user name in the inbox message... 😵‍💫

    Please educate me if I'm totally missing it (it's been known to happen! 😅).

    Thank you again Jerbomages!


    Cooperative alternatives?

    Sorry if this is treacherous heresy here. I know very little about WH40K.

    I love seeing your minis and the collecting aspects. I wonder if there are cooperative alternatives or forms of these games, as my partner and I are not very competitive people. We enjoy expressing ourselves with our choice of... Idk, armies in the case of 40K, I guess. It'd be nice to find a system using minis that would allow cooperative gameplay, as I don't fancy collecting a buncha minis, and leaving them to sit. At the same time, I'm not creative enough to construct my own game system to meet these needs, so an existing structure would be nice. Thank you, Mini Masters. 🙇


    Upvote tracking

    Sorry if this has been asked (if community search is implemented, I can better check for redundancy 🤞). Is there a way to see which posts I have previously upvoted? I guess I could save all the NewCommunities posts that interest me, but since links open outside the app, I've been upvoting them and just realized I do not know how to actually revisit them. I'll switch to saving them, but if this feature is existing, I'd like to know. Thank you for your help and patience, wise Jerboa masters. 🙇


    Within-community keyword search?

    Sorry if this should be obvious. Let's say I want to search this Jerboa community for the keyword "login" to get all the posts and comments about "login" from only Jerboa community... how can I do this? It's probably right in front of me, so I apologize in advance for missing it... 🫠🙇
